Lost Property

Dear Parents/Carers

Weather permitting all lost property will be available to view by the pupils entrance Thursday and Friday. If the weather is bad it will be in reception. Please ensure you come and sign in.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Christmas Jumper Day – 18th Dec

Dear Parent/Carers

It is Christmas Jumper Day tomorrow, Wednesday 18th Dec.

Please can we ask that your child comes to school in their Christmas jumper, if they have one, and wearing the rest of their school uniform. It’s not a full non-uniform day!

Donations of a £1 are welcomed and will be donated to the charity, Save the Children.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith


Can we ask that all pupils bring an empty carrier bag to school with them before the end of term. We need to empty lockers and trays of their school work/belongings and fill your houses with it!! 🙂

Clubs – 16th December – 20th December

There will only be Tennis Club on Thursday, 19th December, next week. All other clubs will not be taking place.

Sunset/Sunrise clubs will be running but sunset club will be closed on Friday, 20th December.

Apologies for any inconvenience this causes

***** NO YOUTH CLUB TONIGHT (13/12/2019)****

Dear Parent/Carers

For those who attend the local Friday night youth club in the village hall. It is CANCELLED tonight due to illness.

Leaders send their apologises for the short notice.

Mrs Smith

Lunch Menu Next Week (16th December onwards)

Monday – Fish Fillet or Veg Sausage

Tuesday – Pasta Neapolitan or Beef Burgers

Wednesday – Xmas lunch or Veg Sausage

Thursday – Mac & Cheese or Sausage Roll or Veg Burger Bake

Friday – Pizza or Fishcake

If you have any questions please speak to Mrs Russell



Dear Parents/Carers

West Midlands Police has been made aware of an an App called ?UNICO LIVE?.  The app is publicised as age restricted 12+ and designed for young people to upload videos of them performing, singing and dancing etc.; it has come to our attention that there is inappropriate content on the platform involving young people which is being investigated. 

The content does not appear to be monitored and we urge you to raise awareness widely to increase vigilance and reduce the likelihood of any child being sexually exploited.

Toddler Sessions 13th & 20th December

There will be no sessions on the above dates due to other activities taking place.

Road Closure 11th December

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We have received the following information from Shropshire Council regarding a road closure tomorrow on Station Road.

I have been contacted by Severn Trent Water who have got to repair a serious water main leak at the above location, unfortunately due to the location being in close proximity to the Railway Level Crossing will necessitate the closure of the carriageway to all through traffic.

Severn Trent will be carrying out the works tomorrow with the works and closure commencing from 08:30 hrs and the site and works being resourced to being completed by 22:00hrs allowing sufficient time for the tarmac to cure. Traffic management gatemen will be on site to advise should the need arise

Many Thanks

Myddle School

Sunrise/Sunset Club – Update

We are still in the lengthy process of getting the new provider in place to take over the running of Sunset and Sunrise clubs.

We are finalising the paperwork but anticipate that this may now take until February half-term.

Myddle staff will continue to run both clubs until the new provider is in place so there will be no change for you at the moment.