Thursday 1st October – Lunch “Sausages & Wedges”

Dear Parents/Carers

Help Needed

We recently contacted you about school dinners and the funding we receive towards providing free school meals to children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. On Thursday 1st October (this week) data will be collected on how many children take a school dinner on that day. This data is then used to calculate how much funding we receive for our school for this purpose. It is therefore crucial that as many children as possible in this category take a school dinner on Thursday this week. We would be very grateful if you would choose this option to support us.

On Thursday this week we are trialling for all children a special menu of:

  • Sausage & Wedges (vegetarian option available)

as well as the usual options of:

  • Choice of bread – brown roll, white roll or wrap
  • Choice of filling – cheese, ham, tuna or egg mayo

Both choices will also include as always:

  • Pasta pot and salad
  • Cookie/ bun
  • Fruit
  • Milk shake/ water/apple juice/orange juice

Choosing a school dinner every day whilst your child is in the eligible group could potentially save you £418.00 per year! This funding from the government supports the running of the kitchen so we can provide a full service for all. If there is not enough uptake, our school doesn’t get the funding and will need to cover the cost from other areas which are already financially stretched.

Many thanks for your support.


Mrs Smith


Myddle Virtual Fun Run – Update

Myddle Multi Terrain Virtual 10K/5K/1 Mile Fun Run
27 Sep-27 Oct 2020

The Myddle Multi Terrain 10K/5K and 1 Mile Fun Run was due to be held on 29th March 2020 and had to be postponed due to COVID-19. Due to Government Restrictions we are still unable to hold it as a social gathering however we are pleased to announce that it will still go ahead as a virtual event!

All ages and abilities are encouraged to take part (grown ups and children!) and you should try to run/jog/walk really fast your chosen distance and try to include as many different types of terrain (footpaths, pavements, woodland, hills etc) as you can.  All proceeds will go to the school and nursery to buy much needed resources.

The entry fees are:


To take part all you need to do is sign up at and then submit your evidence (strava/garmin etc) via email to between 27 Sep and 27 Oct 2020.  On receipt of your evidence you will be sent a bespoke medal that was designed by one of our pupils earlier this year – the winner will be announced very soon!

Any questions about the race should be directed to the race team, Cathy Cooke 07919592782, Becky Sparks or Helen Price, alternatively you can leave a message at school reception for them.

Updated arrival and collection times

Changes to staggered drop off and collection times

Effective from Thursday 3.9.2020

Thank you so much for all your patience and consideration on our first day back. We monitored the time it took for each class to get inside and the volume of adults using the playground one way system. We are now able to make some amendments to our planned timings which we hope will make things even quicker and easier for you.


We would like to trial opening the gates for panda, tiger, rhino and jaguar classes between 8:40-9:00 as we feel that it would give you the opportunity to be flexible and create a natural staggering of children. We noted that as no jaguar parents and very few rhino parents needed to come into the school grounds, it made social distancing much easier.

Nursery: the children can’t come into nursery as early as the rest of the school but it will be open at 8:55 onward for you.


Again, due to the children being so swift we can condense the release times from each class slightly.

Nursery: 2:50 – 3:00

Panda: 2:55 – 3:00

Tiger: 3:00

Rhino: 3:05

Jaguar: 3:10

In order for this to work and to minimise the mixing of bubbles and adults, we would ask you to leave swiftly with your children and adhere to the one way system. There is a lot of space in the playground to enable people to pass each other or wait for a sibling without compromising social distancing.

Thank you for your support. We will continue to regularly review and update our Covid safety measures in the best interests of our children, families and staff.




Collection Times – End of School Day (Excluding Nursery Children)

Dear Parent/Guardian

If you have several children to collect from school at the end of the school day and their leaving times are staggered. It has been agreed that you may collect your children at the time which relates to the eldest child. For Example, Child in Yr 1 collection time is 2:45, sibling in Yr 5 collection time 3:10, you would be able to arrive at school and collect both children for 3:10pm.

This rule does NOT apply to any children which attend Nursery, their hours of, arrival 9:15am, collection at 2:45 MUST be adhered too.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a ring on 01939 290834


Mrs Smith

Wednesday 2nd Sept – Please come to school in your PE Kit

Dear Parents/Guardian

Our Sports Coaches are keen to start their PE sessions with the children tomorrow (Wednesday 2nd September). Please send your child to school in their PE kit NOT their school uniform. They will remain in their sports kit all day.

Any questions please give school a call on 01939 290834


Mrs Smith

Sunrise/Sunset Club – Little Angels – September

Dear Parents/Carers

Little Angels are now taking bookings for breakfast and after school club for September.

Please contact Jemma on 07834564688 or via the Facebook page ‘Little Angels of Myddle’.


Mrs Smith

Outstanding School Meals & Sunrise/Sunset Arrears

Dear Parents/Carers

We have several parents who have arrears for their child school dinners and sunrise/sunset clubs

Please can we ask that ALL arrears are cleared by Friday 17th July at the latest.

If you are unsure of the amount you owe or have any concerns regarding the payment, please give the school office a ring on 01939 290834.


Mrs Smith

******Important Information – Arrangements for September ******

Dear Parents/Carers

Please see the attached letter regarding returning to school in September.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ring school on 01939 290834.


Mrs Smith

Myddle return.docx