Outstanding Hoodie Payments

Please can all hoodie payments be made by the end of the school day on Tuesday 3rd May.

Payments can be made via the School Gateway.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Tupperware Container

We have a large Tupperware container which was left in school following the fun run.

If you are missing this item OR know who it may belong too, please give school a ring on 01939 290834.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Celebration Assembly – 29th April 2022

Star of the Week :
Rhino -Sienna
Tiger – Sebastian
Panda – Logan
Snow leopards – Isla

Mathematician of the Week: Alfie R, Imogen C, Ben, William D & Beau

Reader of the Week: Maisie, Leo, Megan, Charlotte & Freyja

Writer of the Week: Esme, Lucy, Riley, Freddie & Josh B

Hand writers of the Week: Blake, Abi & Jack P

Celebration Assembly – 8th April

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – All of the readers in Church at the Easter Service
Rhino -Sarah, Katheryn & Sorrel
Tiger – Sebastian
Panda – Rhiannon

Mathematician of the Week: Maisie, Isaac, Ivy S & Poppy

Reader of the Week: Sam, Megan, Owen & Hattie M

Writer of the Week: Dylan, Ben, Eve & Olivia N-P

Hand writers of the Week: Charlie H & Ruby P

Happy Easter Holidays

A Big Thank you to the PTA who have given each child an Easter surprise to bring home.

All the staff at school wish you a very Happy Easter and a relaxing break. We look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday 25th April.

Arriving at School each morning!!

Please can we ask that all children arrive before 9am ready for registration and the dinner register.

Anyone arriving after 9am will be marked on the register as late and may miss out on their preferred dinner choice.

If you have any questions please speak directly to Mrs Smith 01939 290834

Myddle Magic Badges Winners

We have two winners of Myddle Magic Badges this term. These children have demonstrated “The Magic Magic” showing:

Respect, Responsibility, Perseverance, Kindness and Forgiveness

This is recognised by staff, and that on three separate occasions, they have shown one or all of these qualities in their work, towards their peers or to staff members.

Their behaviour is what makes Myddle Magic!!

The winners are:

Ruby Downer gaining her Bronze Badge 🙂

Sarah Emerton-Maka gaining her Silver Badge 🙂

End of Term Awards – Spring 2022

Well done to all of the children who have won awards this term. Each Class have a Maths, English and Topic Winner.

Winners for Snow leopards:

Winners for Panda Class:

Winners for Tiger Class:

Winners for Rhino Class:

and last but not least, Winners for Jaguar Class:

Fantastic Effort Everyone 🙂