Plastic Chocolate Tub Charity Collection

Mrs Hulme will once again be collecting empty Heroes, Roses, Quality Street and Celebrations tubs for charity in the New Year.  Please keep hold of any tubs you have and bring them to the school office for her.  Thank you so much.



Happy Christmas!

We would also like to say a massive thank you to Friends of Myddle Primary School for organising some amazing events such as the Christmas Crafts, visit from Santa and the Christmas disco, and also for organising refreshments for parents/carers at all of our Christmas Performances with the Church.  We are very grateful for everything you do and know how much time and effort it takes to put on these events.

Finally, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

We look forward to seeing you in the New Year when we return to school on Tuesday 7th January 2025.  

Christmas Week

Tuesday 17th December

KS 2 Christmas Performance 1.45pm and 5.30pm

Thursday 19th December

Christmas Jumper Day

9:30am Christmas Church Service at Saint Peter’s – All parents and carers welcome.

3 – 5pm School Disco.

Friday 20th December

Last day of term.

Save the Children – Christmas Jumper Day – Thursday 19th December

On Thursday 19th December, it is our Christmas Jumper Day!

On this day children can come to school in their favourite Christmas jumpers.  They do not need to be shop brought.  You can just grab an old jumper and cover it with stickers, tinsel, tin foil or whatever sparkly stuff you can find.

Children can also wear non uniform trousers/skirts with their Christmas Jumper in preparation for the Christmas disco after school!

If you would like to make a donation to ‘Save The Children’ please visit the link below.

New Parent Governor

This term we held elections for a new federation parent governor to join our team. We would like to thanks Simon Monk for the support he gave us during his term of office, and we are now pleased to welcome Matthew Cox to our governing body.  If you’re interested in knowing how the parent governor works, there is some information in the link below:

The role of the parent governor

If you are interested in becoming a school governor, we do have some vacancies for Foundation Governors. These governors are present in every Church of England school, and more about the role can be found by clicking the link below:

The role of the Foundation Governor

We have a full governing body meeting 3 times a year. A couple of weeks before each one, we have committee meetings, and each governor is a member of one of our three committees. If you think you could support our schools in this way, please approach Rev. Clayton or the school office.


Many thanks