Dates for Thursday Art Club & Friday Football Club

Mrs Smith strikes again!!

The dates for Thursday Art club and Friday Football club are incorrect on the letter sent home yesterday!

The dates for the club are:

Art Club (Yrs.3,4,5 & 6)- 21st & 28th September, 5th, 12th & 26th October, 9th,16th, 23rd & 30th November. I will be contacting the parents who have already paid £30 for this club as the price is now reduced to £27 with only 9 sessions taking place.

Friday Football (Yrs 1,2 & 3) 15th,22nd & 29th September, 6th, 13th & 20th October,17th, 24th November, 1st & 8th December. Friday Football club will now have to start this week! Please send your child in with their football kit.

If you require a new letter “for the fridge” please pop and see me.

Please accept my apologises for this error.


Club Letters Autumn 23

Club letters are being sent home tonight with your child, please ensure you check their book bags. Payments for clubs will be available from Wednesday, 13th September.


If you haven’t registered for School Gateway, please do so via the link below:

If your child receives free school meals or you have any questions at all, please pop and speak to Mrs Smith.


Squishy Stress Toys

Please can we ask that NO squishy stress toys are brought into school. They can explode, which we have just found out the hard way!

*** Guidance Measles ***


The United Kingdom Health Security Agency (UKHSA) have recently published a press release following a national increase in the number of measles cases. UKHSA is urging parents of young children, teenagers and adults to check they are up to date with their MMR vaccines.

Children are offered the first vaccination at 1 year and the second dose at 3 years and 4 months.

Everyone is encouraged to check their vaccination status. You can do this by checking in your NHS app if you have access to this or contact the GP practice. If anyone has missed one or both doses of the MMR vaccine, contact the GP practice to book an appointment. It is never too late to catch up.  Parents/Carers can check if their child is up to date with their MMR vaccines, by looking in the child’s personal child health record (PCHR), known as the red book.

Symptoms of measles

Measles usually starts with cold like symptoms e.g. a high temperature, blocked or runny nose, sneezing, cough, red, sore watery eyes

Other symptoms:

Small white spots in mouth

Measles rash (red and blotchy) which usually appears a few days after the cold like symptoms starting on face and behind ears then spreading to rest of the body.

Anyone displaying symptoms should consult the GP or NHS 111

For further information visit NHS Website

Anyone with symptoms should not return to the setting, school, nursery etc. for at least 4 days from when the rash first appears and avoid close contact with babies, pregnant women and people with a weakened immune system.

Close contacts of cases that have not had 2 doses of MMR may be required to stay away from work ,depending on their role, for up to 21 days.

Pregnant women who come into contact with measles should seek medical advice from their midwife or GP as soon as possible.

Reducing the spread of infection

Wash hands regularly with soap and water

Use tissues when you cough and sneeze

Throw used tissues in to the bin


NHS guidance – Is my child too ill for school?


Menu Change – 13th September

It will be Roast Chicken on Wednesday (13/9) instead of the advertised Roast Beef.



Celebration Assembly – 8th September

Star’s of this Week :

Jaguar -Charlie & Rowan
Rhino -Harry-Jai & Bradley
Tiger -Oliver  & Hugo
Panda -Mason


Celebration Assembly 14th July

Star of the Week:

Rhino – Francesca

Tiger – Arabella

Panda – Ava L

Snow leopards – Bobby


Mathematician of the week:

Rhino – Caspar

Tiger – Harry

Panda – Sonny


Writer of the week:

Rhino – Finley

Tiger – Freya

Panda – Logan


Handwriter of the week:

Rhino – Olivia

Tiger – Grace


Reader of the week:

Rhino – Ben

Tiger – Aria

Panda – Emma


Sports star of the week:

Rhino – Rose

Tiger – Rhys

Panda – Hugh