Colour Mixing

Today, pupils in Rhino class learnt about primary colours and how they can be mixed to make other colours. The pupils generated a colour wheel to show the different gradients of colour they created.

Worship Council

Yesterday, a group of pupils completed their training to become members of the Worship Council. After applying by letter to Mrs Williams for the position of a Worship Councillor back in December, seven pupils were selected to represent the school.

Along with pupils from Baschurch, they all took part in a training session with Alex Wolvers (Christian Distinctiveness Advisor) and Rev. Clayton. As part of the Worship Council, pupils will both plan and deliver worship at each school. During the training, they learnt how to create practical activities by taking part in active praying. The children really enjoyed these activities and were able to think deeply about local and world issues.

The pupils also worked together to create a Federation Prayer, which now can be used by the councillors and pupils at both schools.

The day was a real success and all pupils now can’t wait to get started with the planning and preparations for their first worship in school. The day ended with the pupils receiving a certificate to commemorate their achievements of being selected and successfully completing their training as a member of the Worship Council.

Well done to Isla C, Amy C, Cassius M, Sophie C, Alex F, Charley M and Leo M.

Christmas Fayre Success

Thank you to all those that attended today’s Christmas Fayre. It was lovely to see so many children and their families, as well as members of the community having a great time, getting into the festive spirit and supporting the school.

I would also like to thank all members of our PTA, for all their hard work in planning and organising such a successful event.

Thank you from all at Myddle CE Primary School.

Rhino Homework 6.12.19

Homework this is:

Adverbs – identifying and using appropriate adverbs correctly.

Adverbs describe verbs and usually end in ly

Roman Mosaics

This week, Rhino class have been designing and making their own Roman Mosaics. Having already mixed their own colours and painted numerous pieces of paper in preparation, the children had to cut out uniform pieces and stick them accurately to reflect their deigns.

Rhino Class put the ‘Power’ into PowerPoint

This week the pupils in Rhino class have be learning how to use PowerPoint to record their learning. They have been learning how to use the programme to showcase what they have learnt about the Romans including details from their recent trip to Chester.

Today we learnt how to:

Open, save, create new slides, alter the theme, import pictures and change font types.

All pupils are excited to continue next week.

Rhino Homework 22.11.19

Homework this week is:


Use the multiplication grid to help answer various multiplication calculations.

Rhino Homework 15.11.19

Homework this week is:

Identifying correct use of and using inverted commas

Please ensure homework is completed and handed in by the following Thursday.

Anti-bullying at school

This week the children of the school participated in an interactive Anti-bullying assembly to learn how to combat and spot bullying behaviours both in and out of school.

Following this, pupils from Rhino Class took part in a workshop which included role play and practical activities. The children were awarded certificates for their efforts.

Well done everyone.

Roman Rhinos in Chester

Rhino class had a fantastic day in Chester furthering their studies of the Romans. As well as acquiring new knowledge, they were also able to showcase lots of their learning within sessions. The staff were particularly impressed by how much they have already learnt.

The Behaviour of all children was an absolute credit to the school which made me incredibly proud. Well done Rhino class.

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