Let’s Dance!

Children in Rhino class are really enjoying their dance lessons. What they manage to do in few lessons is amazing!

Making games on Scratch

Today the children designed, made and played question and answer games on Scratch. They had great fun and were very creative.

Inter House Football

  1. Today, the children in Rhino class took part in an inter house football competition. The children were so well behaved and really supported each other. All children played well and it was great to see those children that don’t normally choose to play football joining in and giving their best. Well done Rhino Class!

Rhino trip to Shrewsbury Prison

  1. Today, Rhino class visited Shrewsbury Prison as a conclusion to their Crime and Punishment history topic. they had a brilliant day and learnt even more fantastic facts on top of what they had already learnt. Their behaviour was amazing and all children were a credit to the school.

The day began with some team building activities and then we had an amazing tour of the prison which took us from Victorian times to 2013 when prison closed.


Amazing Art

Last Friday in Art with Mrs Harris, the children were looking at architecture. They had the challenge of designing buildings from different flat shapes.

Our ‘Wonderfully Made’ Day

Today the children took part in a ‘Wonderfully Made’ day. This was intended to teach the children about diversity and how we are all different as well as the importance of respect.

The children rotated around 4 different activities, which included:

Values through Art

Brazilian Culture

Respect in Sport

Bhangra Dancing

It was an excellent day, made even better by the beautiful sunshine. The children learnt a lot about the diverse world we live in and the importance of treating everybody with dignity and respect. The day concluded with a real celebration in the school hall, where children and staff took part in various Bhangra style dances.

Programming using Scratch

Today, pupils in Rhino class learnt how to use a programme called Scratch to write simple algorithms. They were able to produce their own x table check style programme to test each other. It was great fun!

Scratch can be accessed online and is a great programme to explore. Click here to access Scratch

Inspire trip to Lichfield Cathedral

Rhino Class have had a wonderful day out learning about the importance of values in the beautiful setting of Lichfield Cathedral.

The children were so well behaved and really enjoyed all the activities which included a historic tour, singing in the Chapel and even building using Minecraft!

The weather was absolutely brilliant and we even had the opportunity to eat our lunches outside in the sunshine.


Rhino Jubilee Celebrations

Rhino Class have had a great day celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

They all looked fantastic and enjoyed all of the activities that had been organised. They were very creative during the royal themed art with Mrs McGrath and thoroughly enjoyed the dance session that Mr Hughes had organised. They loved Mrs Crow’s party games and finished the afternoon by singing some royal themed songs with Mrs Kassel-Fell.

What a lovely afternoon.

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Today the children looked fantastic as they arrived at school in their posh clothes. The School had a make over too, thanks to our dedicated and talented staff!

Weather conditions were not perfect during the day, so we had our picnic lunches in our classrooms, which the children still really enjoyed.

During the afternoon, the classes took part in a series of activities in rotation. Each class experienced:

  • Royal themed artwork in Panda Class
  • Royal themed party games in Tiger Class
  • Royal themed singing in Rhino Class
  • Royal themed dance in Jaguar Class.

All children have had great afternoon taking part in each of the activities and there really was lovely feeling around school, a real buzz of excitement.

I would just to thank each and every member of staff for all their dedication and creativity in the planning and organisation leading up to this event.  I would also like to thank all parents for sending the children in so smartly dressed as it really made the day even more special.

Please check the class pages for even more photos of the day.

Mr. P . Glover

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