We have had a brilliant day in Shrewsbury!
First, we visited the Museum, where one of the local experts told us more about Charles Darwin’s life and work. The children then dressed up and had a go at describing shells, classifying animals and grouping bugs, before moving on to an investigative task, where we studied and sketched fossils, skulls, birds and insects.
After lunch, we walked to the Shrewsbury Library, which is in the old school building, so we could have a look at the statue of Charles Darwin. We were shown inside the building by one of the librarians. We also discussed our favourite books and authors and, to finish off or trips, the children got their very own library cards and had a chance to borrow some books
Please check children’s bags today as they should have taken home a library card (if they had one issued today), their Darwin-style notebooks, and a programme of the local Darwin Festival. Also, most of the children have borrowed one or two books from the library. The date when they are due back is stamped inside.
We have learned lots and made some amazing memories today!