Homework due back on Monday 17th May

Extra homework for Year 3: We have started exploring “being global citizens” in our PSHE lessons and the children have been asked to find something in their house that has made made or comes from a different country and make a note about it in their homework book, ready for our next PSHE lesson.Extra homework for Year 2: Children have been giving a couple of revision Maths worksheets, based on the work we are currently doing in class around “movements and turns”.

All children who have brought back their Homework books have had these now updated for next week.

  • Times table sheet (depending on child’s results from previous test).
  • Spellings (in Spellings book) – can also be found on Tiger Class Spellings page of our School website.

Assignments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed – login details can be find in Homework books.

Times tables tests and Spelling tests will take place on Monday, as usual.

Year 3 spellings to be tested on Monday 17th May

Words ending with the /g/ sound spelt ‘–gue’ and the /k/ sound spelt ‘–que.’  These words are French in origin.


Year 2 spellings to be tested on Monday 17th May

The /er/  and /or/ sounds spelled with or or ar.


Tennis Sessions

Sadly we have had to abandoned the Tennis sessions today due to the awful weather this morning, this afternoons forecast is even more rain.

We are hoping to arrange it to a day next week and will keep parents posted.


All pupils in PE kits tomorrow – 11th May

Please can you send your child in their PE kit tomorrow, Tuesday 11th May. Each class is taking part in tennis sessions during the day.

Sorry for the confusion this has caused.

Open Event -Friday 14th May – Baschurch Tennis Club



Celebration Assembly – 7th May 21

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – Sophie Co, Nia & Sam
Rhino – Amelia
Tiger – Olivia
Panda -Rhys

Mathematician of the Week: Alissa & Dylan, Jessica, Freddie & Amelia G

Reader of the Week: Heidi, Ethan, Isaac & Charlie C

Writer of the Week: Maisie, Izzy, Isabelle, Dylan W, Sebastian

Hand writers of the Week: All 12 children using the laptops in Jaguar Class for story writing, Lucy & William Pa

Well Done Everyone and Have a great weekend!

Collection at home time!

If you are not able to collect your child at the end of the day and have made arrangements with another person/parent to collect your child. Please can we ask that you give Mrs Smith a ring on 01939 290834, she will pass this message on to the class teacher.


Super Science

This week in science, Rhino class set up an experiment to find out the impact the environment has on germination. They used a range of resources to plan and make sure the test would be fair. All children worked well in their groups where teamwork and cooperation was essential. We look forward to sharing our results next week.

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