Rhino Home Learning – Tuesday 2nd March

Good Morning,

The Masked Reader

If you haven’t already and would like to take part in the Masked Reader, please can you upload your video to your portfolio on class dojo and also send me 3 clues about yourself in a message. Thank you

Activity 1:

Reading: The BFG chapter 15

Please read chapter  ‘The Great Plan’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 1’ and ‘Day 2’ questions

BFG Text Chapters 11 – 16


Activity 2: English: BFG Writing unit from the Oak Academy

Please use the link below to access the next lesson in the teaching sequence:

Lesson 8 – To analyse the opening scene

Activity 3:

Maths: We are continuing with the unit on Fractions.

Below are links to the white rose video for today’s learning and the corresponding activity sheets to ‘Subtract 2 Fractions’. This is the 4th video lesson and builds on the previous session.

Video lesson

Y4 Spring Block 3 Subtract 2 fractions

Activity 4: Reading/Writing Challenge

I really enjoy reading nursery rhymes to my two children, particularly my 2 year old daughter who absolutely loves ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.

Your challenge today is to take a well known nursery rhyme and re write in your own words. However, you have to exactly 50 words, no less and no more!

How many nursery can you re write?

Send in your work. I’d love share some of these on the website and they may even help me get my daughter to sleep!!! Fingers crossed!!


Hope you have a good day.



Panda Class Home Learning Monday 1st March

Hi Pandas,

March already…where did February go?

The plan for today

Worship via Zoom, with Mrs Williams – link as before on Class Dojo.

Phonics – as per the Ruth Miskin Live Lessons schedule.

Reading – Lots of reading…

MathsYear 1 Mass and Measures Home Learning Booklet.

Work through your booklet this week, practically where possible, and go at your own pace.

Mass and measures home booklet year 1

Reception – Looking at measuring and comparing weight/mass. If possible try and work practically with items around the home.


English – All Pandas. As this week sees the return of World Book Day, I thought we’d have some fun with a few favourite texts and activities.

Enjoy the story of Supertato!

Your task is to recreate ( I can’t wait to find a potato and get busy bringing him to life!) or draw Supertato and then….create/write  a character profile for him. Think about what he looks like; describe him using carefully chosen words. What are his super hero qualities? – Go back to the story as many times as you need to to remind you. Write your character profile neatly in your books or if you prefer make a poster out of it and decorate it with the other veg around the edge.

Use this template if you haven’t made your own.

Supertato Outfit Cut-Outs

Special request.…If grown ups can freeze a carrot in a bag/Tupperware of water please? Ready for another activity tomorrow.  Sneak preview… Evil Pea has frozen the carrot and we have to rescue it by thinking about how to remove the ice…

More of that tomorrow…

For our return to school, can you complete the ‘End of Lockdown’ sheet so we can find out a bit more about it.

Back to school feelings jigsaw ks1

Many thanks,

Mandy Turner



March 8th – school re-opening

We are so pleased to be able to welcome all pupils back to school on Monday 8th March. We have put together a poster for your children with some information showing them what will be the same and what will be different. This is coming to you via Dojo as each teacher has adapted it to let you know the new topics, PE days, start and finish times and other specific class information.

Essentially, school will be operating very much as it was between September and Christmas.

Next week, the teachers are going to send home a sheet for your child to complete to let us know how they are feeling about coming back, what they liked and disliked about lockdown etc. so please look out for that and bring it back on the 8th.

We really can’t wait to have everyone back and start our journey to normality. I bet you are looking forward to it as well – tidier house, more food left in the cupboards, better sleep and most importantly, being a parent again rather than a teacher! We think you have been absolutely brilliant and can’t thank you enough for all your hard work and support.

Even though some normality is returning to school, we still need to make you aware that a bubble could still be closed at any time if someone in our school tests positive for Covid-19. All of our staff and Little Angels staff are taking Lateral Flow Tests twice a week so that we can take immediate action and limit any potential spread from staff members.

We need your support to help monitor our pupils. If your child is displaying any Covid symptoms prior to returning to school, you must not bring them to school until you have received a negative test result or until they have completed a 10 day isolation period.

Our wonderful school administrator is an expert in the Covid requirements and timeframes for reporting and isolating, so please call Mrs Smith at any time if you are unsure of what to do.

Thank you for your continued support

Many thanks,

Mrs Williams

See You Very Soon Rainbow Card – Green Dot - Irish Design Makers

Rhino Home Learning – Monday 1.3.21

Good Morning,

I hope you all had a good weekend and had chance to relax. Right, it’s our last week of home learning, so let’s go for it this week!!

Remember to let me know how you get on and send in photos of your work if you can. I love to see how well you have been doing.

Activity 1:

Reading: The BFG chapter 14

Please read chapter  ‘Dreams’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 3’ and ‘Day 4’ questions

BFG Text Chapters 11 – 16


Activity 2: English: BFG Writing unit from the Oak Academy

Please use the link below to access the next lesson in the teaching sequence:

Lesson 7 – To practise and apply knowledge of suffixes – past and present tense verbs

Activity 3:

Maths: We are continuing with the unit on Fractions.

Below are links to the white rose video for today’s learning and the corresponding activity sheets to ‘Subtract Fractions’. This is the 3rd video lesson and is a recap unit focusing on subtracting one fraction from another.

Video lesson


Activity 4: Science

Double Page Spread/Poster

Please use this afternoon’s session to present all that you have learnt about electricity over the 6 sessions from the Oak National Academy. This can be in the form of a ‘Double Page Spread or a poster. Use drawings/diagrams and labels to show clearly what you now know.

If you want to have a look back at some of the lessons you studied then they can be accessed by using the link below:

Oak Academy Science Lessons

I would also like you to have a look and vocabulary sheet you completed at the start of this unit. Do you now know the meaning of all the scientific vocabulary? Fill in the final column with a definition for each word.

Key Scientific Vocabulary Sheet

If you are still not sure on what some of the words mean, then why not research them to find out!

Hope you have a good day.



Panda Class Home Learning Friday 26th February

Hi Pandas,

Friday already!  Where did the week go?

Here are a few thoughts for today.

Don’t forget 11 am today is our Zoom session with Road Safety Ray – the link went out via Class Dojo – let me know if you need it again. Have you got your questions ready?

Spend today catching up with those tasks that you didn’t manage to complete in the week.

If the weather is kind, enjoy a nice walk and look for signs of Spring. Here is a bird spotting checklist.


You may want to spend more time creating your Kandinsky style artwork – the ones I’ve seen look amazing! You are all so talented.

Can I request that you bring your Kandinsky style artwork in to school when we return? I would like to make a large display featuring all of the children’s artwork – it will look amazing!

I have attached a letter with a few notes and reminders, for our return to school on 8th March.  How many big sleeps is it now…?

Panda letter March 21 PDF

Have a great day.

Mandy Turner


Rhino Home Learning – Free up Friday 26.2.21

Good Morning,

It’s Friday….. and today is ‘Free up Friday!’ 

Following the success of the previous quiz, during the zoom meeting this afternoon, we will be having another. Again, you will need to work as a class team to see if all questions can be answered correctly because you will only be allowed to answer a maximum of 3 questions each.

Below are the questions, so you can do some research and plan out which questions you think you could answer.

Friday Quiz Questions 26.2.21

Please use today to catch up on any work that has been missed during the week. Click on the links below for quick access to each day’s learning:

Monday 22nd   Tuesday 23rd   Wednesday 24th   Thursday 25th

Remember to do your spelling test and your frog club and let me know how you get on. Use the links below to access what you need.

Spellings to test:

Class Group – week 6 – 12.2.21

SNIP Group – week 6 – 12.2.21

Spellings to learn:

Class Group – week 1 – 26.2.21

SNIP Group – Week 1 – 26.2.21

Frog Club

Please select your Fog Club sheet and give yourself 5 mins to complete. Let me know how you get on! I promise to move your frog up if you complete your sheet.


If you have managed to complete all the activities set, then please look at some of the suggestions below for today.

PE with ‘The Wright Way Group – TWWG’

Session 9:

Oak Academy Video Lessons: Here you will find a huge range of video lessons divided into different subjects. Click on the subject you would like to learn and then choose a topic. Simple as that.

Click on the following link to access the website:  Oak Academy – Year 4

BBC Bitesize Video Lessons: The BBC has designated a whole section of the ‘BBC Bitesize’ website for home learning. Just select year 4 and then choose the subject you would like to study.

Click on the following link to access the website:  BBC Bitesize – KS2

Top marks 7 -11: This is fantastic website with a wealth of free online games for English and Maths. A great way to have fun and learn at the same time.

Hit the link to play:     Top marks – Maths     Top Marks – English

Hit the Button: This is great set of online games which can be linked to number various mental calculations and x tables. A fantastic resources where children can choose the level appropriate to their ability to reinforce and challenge where needed.

Hit the link to play: Hit the button 

World Hearing Day – 3rd March 2021

Did you know that on Wednesday 3rd March 2021 it is World Hearing Day? The charity Signal is based here in Shropshire, but the work they do supports people who are Deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus across the World.

Signal wondered if our school children would be up for a World Hearing Day challenge!

They would love it if you could hold a sponsored 1-hour silence on the 3rd March to raise money for Signal and awareness for the work we do helping to support the Deaf.

Since 2013 Signal has directly supported over 94,000 people (42,784 people internationally and 51,250 people in UK). In the last year, they have supported 1992 children with disabilities to access education and trained 734 teachers to provide an inclusive learning environment.

I’m sure many parents will relish an hour’s peace (!) but they hope the experience will give children an understanding of what hearing loss or deafness might be like. Signal will also be sharing videos online with some basic sign language, so the children will be able to ask you ‘how much longer?’ or ‘can I have a snack?’!

The hour can be at any time to suit your schedule.

This will be a great way to expand their experiences, learn something new and raise a few pounds for a good cause.

All they need to do it download the attached sponsorship form.

Thank you for your support!







Returning to Rhino Class on March 8th

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to start by saying how excited I am about seeing you all on March 8th where we can once again be together as a Rhino family in class.

I know many of you may have some questions about school and will be wondering if anything will be different this time when you return. Actually, we have not had to make too many changes and therefore school routines will be pretty much the same as they were during the Autumn term when you were last at school.

Even though this is the case, I have put an information page together for you and your parents to have a look through to remind you of those routines and some of the minor changes that we have made at school.

Rhino Return Information Page

I really hope you are all looking forward to coming back as I know being away from school and working at home has been a real challenge. I just wanted to say how well you have all done and that I have been so proud of you all. It has been extremely rewarding to see you engaging in tasks and sending me in your work. You really should be tremendously proud of yourselves. I also want to say a huge thank you to all of your parents as they have been amazing and so supportive.

I would appreciate it, if you could take some time to complete the reflection sheet below about your lockdown experience, positives and negatives, and bring this back to school with you during the first week back. This will allow us have a class discussion about our experiences and our feelings. Remember, it’s good to talk!

Back to school feelings KS2

Remember as well, if you want to take part in the masked reader activity, then upload your video to your portfolio by Tuesday 2nd March at the latest please and don’t forget to message me on Dojo with your three clues about yourself.

Can’t wait to see you all,

Kind Regards

Mr Glover

Telephone Consultations Next week

Next week, you will have the opportunity to receive a telephone consultation meeting with your child’s class teacher. You will be able to sign up for a five minute slot, just as before, using the school website booking system.

The system will go live tomorrow, Friday 26th February.

Five minutes will go very quickly, so if you have any questions it may be worth making a note of them so that you can make the most of your consultation.

To book your appointment, please visit our “Parents’ Area” on the school website and click on the appropriate class to book your appointment.  Once you have booked your appointment, you should receive a confirmation email, on some occasion this may go direct to your Junk email box so please double check this box just in case. If you have any questions, please contact the school office. Thank you.

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