Sports Day 2019

Thank you to all of the parents who were able to support our fabulous children as they took part in the races this afternoon in sports day.  During the morning, all children took place in various track events including archery, ball throw and long jump to name a few.  It was great to witness the sportsmanship between the children and for them to have a go at all the different events.  In my class we realised everyone is good a different things which was a great confidence boost for some pupils.  We were so lucky with the glorious weather this afternoon and the children had fun supporting their houses.


Reception Girls:

Reception Boys

Year 1 Boys:

Year 1 Girls

Year 2 Boys


Year 2 Girls


Year 3 Boys

Year 3 Girls

Year 4 Boys

Year 4 Girls

Year 5 Girls

Year 5 Boys

Year 6 Boys

Year 6 Girls

Archery Competition – Lakelands Academy 20th June 2019

MASSIVE Well Done to our Archery team, Reuben, Cass M, Alfie S, Jacob, Harvey & Harry M. They took part in the 2nd round of Archery at Lakelands Academy against several other Shropshire schools and they WON!!!!!!

Fantastic Results boys 🙂

Panda Class – NO show and tell (Friday 21st June)

There will be no show and tell in panda class on Friday due to Sports day.

Jonny Hughes – 5th July – NO AFTER SCHOOL CLUB

Jonny is unable to be here on the 5th July for after school football. Sadly we will have to cancel this session (5th July only).

Sports Day – UPDATE

As the weather is looking favourable for today and tomorrow, we are going ahead with Sports day.

We will be sending all pupils home with their PE kits tonight. Please can they arrive tomorrow morning in their Myddle School PE Kit. They will be taking part in activities all morning then continue into the afternoon.

Parents can join their child at 12pm for their picnic lunch, alternatively the afternoon activities will commence at 1:05pm.

IF the weather does take a turn for the worse, we will announce updates via the websites

PTA News

Dear Parent/Carers

As you may know, Lianne Farrow, PTA Chairperson, is standing down in July. Thank you Lianne for all of your hardwork.

If you would like to consider taking on the role of the new Chairperson please have a chat with Lianne.

PTA are holding their Car Boot Sale on Sunday 23rd June, Lianne is in need of helpers for this event. If you can spare any time to help please let Lianne or another member of the PTA know.

Car Boot Sale starts at 9am until 12pm – £5 per pitch



POLITE REMINDER – Weston Park Trip

Dear Parents/Carers

Please can reply slips and monies for the above trip be returned to school tomorrow (20th June 2019).

If you have any questions or need another letter please speak to Mrs Smith, School Office

Many Thanks


Star of the Week – 14th June

Star Pupils

Snow Leopard: Freya P

Panda:Riley E

Tiger: Isabelle R

Rhino: Ollie H & Blake W

Mathematician of the week:  Oliver W & Alex F

Writer of the week: Amelia W

Handwriter of the week: James D

Winners of Scruffy:  Snow Leopards


Massive congratulations to Lucy Harte who received a Young Achievers award on Thursday evening. She was nominated by Myddle Teachers for all her efforts with her gymnastics and for her hard work in school. Well Done Lucy.

Well done also to Brooke G who has collected a cookery award and also Abigail P for her hard work at girl guides.

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