Webinars for Tranistion

We would like to draw your attention to  three free webinars over the summer holidays to support young people with the milestones and transitions that happen at this time of year. The first two are for parents, and the third is for older students. The Anna Freud Society often has resources like this for various areas of well-being, so it would be worth having a look at the website even if these ones aren’t relevant.

Webinars for transition

  1. Supporting young people with anxiety before results day – 8th August, 2pm
  2. Transition to secondary school: supporting your Year 7 child – 9th August, 2pm
  3. Managing your wellbeing when transitioning to university – 22nd August, 2pm

Rhino class update

Dear Rhino parents,

We just wanted to let you know that Miss Beauchamp is going to continue teaching Rhino class up until half term. Thank-you for your ongoing understanding.

If you have any questions for myself or Miss B, please don’t hesitate to email admin@myddle.shropshire.sch.uk and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Mrs Williams

Rhino Class – important update

We just wanted to let Rhino class and families know that Miss Beauchamp is going to be teaching the class for 2 weeks from 20th April. The class are very familiar with Miss Beauchamp as she already has them two days a week, so this will keep the learning and routines very consistent for them. Mr Glover needs to take some time at home to support his wife who is having a major operation for this period of time. I know you will join me to wish him and his wife all the best with the operation and her on-going treatment for breast cancer.


We are sorry but with the forecast given for over night and tomorrow morning and information from the local authority, coupled with the Corbet School closure , we will not be open tomorrow. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Stepping Out – feedback from Shropshire Council

We thought it would be nice to share this lovely feedback on how well our children did in their recent pedestrian training. Thank you to all our parents who volunteered to help make this possible:

‘Stepping Out’ Pedestrian Training – Report and School Feedback (Spring Term 2023) Date of training: 24 & 31 January 2023 Year groups participating: Year 3, 4 and 5

Road Safety Officer’s Report – Ray Hughes

The School

Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to return to deliver the full ‘Stepping Out’ pedestrian training scheme on behalf of Shropshire Council. I benefited from fantastic support from Mr Glover, Mrs Crowe and their Support Staff plus a super set of parents recruited for the observed walk. Thank you also for preparing the children so well in the classroom to compliment the practical training.

The children

The children engaged very well in the training and all the observers commented how fantastic they were on their observed walks. Good listening skills and excellent (safe) roadside behaviour.  All thoroughly deserved their certificates.

Strike Action

You have probably seen on the news a lot of information about teacher strikes.  I just wanted to let you know that to the best of our knowledge, none of the teachers at Myddle will be striking. If we are given any different information from union representatives, we will let you know.

Shropshire Music Service – all ensembles now free to attend!

As you know, we buy into the Shropshire Music Service at school and benefit from their fantastic teacher Mrs Kessel-Fell, as well as peripatetic instrument teachers. Did you know that you can also join bands, choirs and other ensembles out of school? The brilliant news is that from January, these are now free!! I can’t recommend these highly enough – the teaching is second to none, your children will make new friends and have so much fun. It improves their playing so much being in an ensemble so if your child is enjoying their music in school, please consider taking the next step and joining a group.

Follow the link below for details:


New Nursery Leader

We are really pleased to let you know that Clare Evans will be taking over as our nursery leader in January. Clare already works with our Snow-leopards every Friday and as a TA in school the rest of the week. Clare has had extensive nursery experience prior to joining Myddle and can’t wait to get back into a nursery setting. Clare knows all of the children really well, so we hope it will be a smooth transition for you all.

We thank Liz for looking after the nursery so competently over the last few weeks; Liz will now move into her new role as the Panda Class teaching assistant.

We also welcome Katie Hinton to the EYFS team. Katie has worked with us a lot on a casual basis and absolutely LOVES this age group. She will now work every Wednesday in Snow-Leopards and every Friday in Panda class.  Fran will continue to be in nursery full time, so we have a great team in place.

Any questions, please do catch a member of staff and ask, email the school admin or call in. In the new year, we will open the doors to parents and carers so that you can meet everyone.

Thank you all for your on-going support.

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