Snow Leopards

Good Afternoon Snow Leopards,

We hope you all had a fantastic summer. The children have settled in well and have all had a busy first week back.

Here is some information about our Autumn term:

Class Dojo
If you haven’t already, please make sure you sign up to our Class Dojo. This will be the easiest way for us to communicate. Let me know if you have any problems and I will do my best to help.

Routine and Topic
I have attached a copy of our routine below.
daily routine1
We link our topic with Reception Class, so this term we will be focusing on ‘People who help us’
We have lots of fun activities planned and we cannot wait to share our pictures and creations with you all. We may need your help with a few of these activities so please keep your eye on Dojo for updates. An overview of the week ahead will also be added to Dojo so you can see what your child will be getting up too.

Celebration Assembly
Every Friday morning we will be joining the rest of the school in the hall for Celebration Assembly. We will be giving out stickers and certificates for our ‘Star of the Week’ and the child with ‘the most Dojo’s’

Extra Activities
We will be continuing with Music, PE and Exploring Outdoors this term.
Music with Fran – Tuesday 11am
PE with TWWG – Friday 9:30am
Exploring Outdoors with Jodie – Wednesday 11am

Please ensure your child is wearing suitable clothing and footwear on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Could you please ensure your child comes to nursery with:
1. Spare clothes – We do often get messy!
2. Nappies, wipes and cream
3. A water bottle
4. Suitable outdoor clothing – We do try and go outdoors in most weather conditions!

Jodie and Fran

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