Joining nursery – September 2020

Starting nursery is a very exciting time. I want to do my very best to ensure that children learn and grow, they feel happy and are supported along their learning journey. As we know starting nursery can be an overwhelming and daunting time for children and parents, particularly this year due to COVID-19. So I wish to ensure a positive and smooth transition as your child starts at our nursery.

You can read all the relevant information on our website, through the link ‘Joining’ then click ‘Nursery’. This information will help prepare you and your child for their start with us at Myddle nursery in September.

If you require any extra information or you wish to speak to me directly about registering your child, please feel free to e-mail through to or call on 01939 290268. I will be available daily until 12pm except Wednesdays as school is closed.

I look forward to hearing from you

Jodie Phillips (Nursery Leader)

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