Panda Class learning w/c 1st June 2020

I hope you had a good half term week.

In maths this week we are looking at halving quantities by sharing items into two equal groups. Children should share small quantities out fairly. Talk about unfair sharing, where one person has more/fewer.

Once children are confident with halving small quantities, they can explore sharing between 3 or 4 people. They will notice that there are sometimes leftovers and may come up with how to resolve this. Can you share the left overs?
Provide children with opportunities to share amounts around the home and garden.

The Doorbell Rang story book by Pat Hutchins puts sharing into context of everyday life.

Bean Thirteen is another story which shows sharing.
If you want to find the stories read by different people than the ones I’ve found, feel free.

Phonics – Ruth Miskin’s Read Write Inc is still online – I have put a link to the speed sounds which would be really good to revisit frequently.

In writing children could write a diary of what they have been doing recently.
Encourage children to:
• leave finger spaces between words
• use good ‘pincer’ pencil grip
• start with a capital and finish with a full stop.

Have a lovely week.
Mandy Turner

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