Snow Leopards 7th May 2020

Hi Snow Leopards,

Thank you so much for all of your updates last week. You are doing a fabulous job of keeping your children busy in the current circumstances. They are all doing really well and it’s great to see them working, playing and enjoying their time at home.

For those who wish to practise phonics activities and gain more understanding of Read Write Inc (phonics scheme followed throughout reception and ks1)
Please have a look at the activities and e-books below: (Guide for parents)
Following the link above is the set 1 sounds we have been practising in nursery. There is a ‘Sound Pronunciation Guide Video’ available so you are correctly pronouncing the sounds
Be sure to check out the page ‘Kids’ activities’, there are lots of age appropriate, fun resources for your child to learn through the games and activities available.

Please continue to support the topic of Spring time. Perhaps find some pebbles in your gardens or out on a walk, when you get home see if you can make them into your favourite mini beast and then find out some fact about them!

Most of all enjoy the sunshine and explore outdoors. Maybe you could plant some seeds. What does your seed need in order for it to grow?

I hope you enjoy your week. I can’t wait to hear from you again and hear what you’ve been getting up to!

Again, please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need anything,


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