Year 6 Parents – Corbet letters

Children who are transferring to Corbet in September have been sent home tonight with a brown envelope. The letter outlines the arrangements for the Induction days on the 3th & 4th July.

  • Corbet School have asked that these forms are return to them directly by Friday, 9th June.
  • Corbet do not provide transport for the two induction days. Parents are required to arrange this themselves.
  • Could you ensure that your child remembers to take writing/drawing materials.
  • You will need to provide your child with either a lunch from home OR send them with £7.00. This figure will cover food at break and lunch for both days (£3.50 per day)

Mrs Sims is due to visit the children tomorrow (8th June) at Myddle, to introduce herself and have a chat to reassure them and answer any questions they may have before their induction days.


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