Well done!

At the end of week three of home learning, we just wanted to say a huge well done to you all. We know it is not easy – we have lots of staff here in the same situation so we really do empathise with how hard it is!

Don’t be hard on yourselves or your children if you didn’t understand or couldn’t keep up. Let us know if you need anything and we will try to facilitate it.

Now that we are more into the swing of things, the weekly timetable has evolved so you may find that you have more Zoom sessions, so please check the website regularly.

Most of our children are at home, and so they are our top priority. Please be assured that the same work is being done by the home-learners as the ones in school. The teacher’s are working tirelessly to ensure that gaps don’t emerge between the two groups, but we need all families on board with this as well as engaging with everything that is on offer to the best of their abilities.

If you are not engaging with the Zoom sessions or submitting work regularly, you must let the teacher know why.  As a school, we have to record home-school engagement, just as we would usually take a register in school. We are asked for this data by the local authority regularly and the Education Welfare Officer will contact families who aren’t engaging.

Many thanks again to you all – keep up the good work and have a lovely weekend. Mrs Williams

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