Welcome to Rhino Class

Dear parents

It has been a real pleasure starting to get to know your children and I am very much looking forward to teaching them this year.

Between now and Christmas our topic will be RAF 100, focusing on World War1 but mainly on World War 2 and I’m sure they will find this a really interesting subject to investigate.  I’m hoping the homework jigsaw will come home with the children on Friday and you can get busy looking into this project at home with your children.

Homework will be given out on a Friday and will be due back in on a Friday.  Each week the children will get spellings to learn and a times table sheet to complete.  There will also be some work on growing a positive mindset which I think the children will enjoy.  The homework is not designed to be over onerous so please do come and see me if your child is finding it too much.  There will also be the homework jigsaw offering various creative tasks (not compulsory) for those of you that like to spend time with your children making fantastic art works and written work for our displays.

Forest School will be on Thursday mornings, PE will be on a Friday afternoon and we are super lucky to have a dance teacher coming in on Wednesday afternoons so please can children have their kits in school for these lessons.  Music and singing will also be on a Wednesday afternoon.

All children should now have a reading book and a reading diary, the children have been briefed on how to complete the reading diary.  I have heard most of the children read over the last two days and checked they are on the correct books, by Friday I should have completed this process.  If you have any concerns about reading  please don’t hesitate to pop in and have a chat.

My door is always open, I would much rather you pop in, ring or email with any concerns at all.  As always my main aim is to ensure the children are happy in school so they can reach their full potential.

Mrs Wenlock








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