Welcome Back

We have had a brilliant first day back. A warm welcome to all our new reception starters and to the new families that have joined us throughout the school. We are also joined by two Associate Teachers from the University of Chester, who will be with us throughout the year.

You will receive a class newsletter at the end of this week outlining the routines and the topics they will be covering this term. It will also be on the class page of the school website. Don’t forget to sign up for the email newsletter and to change you preferences for class news if your child is in a new class this year. You can do this from the bottom of the school website homepage. You should have received an email link and reminder to do this already if you are an existing user.

If you have any questions, however small they may seem, come to the front office in the first instance or catch the class teacher at the end of the day when they dismiss the children.

We look forward to a happy and successful term ahead.

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