Tiger Class – Home learning – Wednesday 3rd March

Wednesday is PE Day again! Although you should try to do some exercise most days, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays there are fitness videos provided by our PE coach, Mr Wright.

At 9am, there’s a whole federation worship with Mrs Williams, via Zoom.

Year 2 Tigers are invited to join Mrs Crowe in a Zoom call, at 9.30am for a briefing of the day’s lessons. At 10am, it’s Year 3 turn to catch-up with Mrs Crowe and be briefed about the day’s activities.

There’s another World Book Day special Assembly at 10.30am, on “Books that makes you LOL!”

All details for logging into our Zoom calls have been sent to parents via ClassDojo.

Today’s links to video lessons and tasks:

Maths – Geometry: Properties of Shape – Sort 2D Shapes

Worksheet: Y2-Spring-Block-3-WO6-Sort-2D-shapes

English – The Eagle Who Thought He Was A Chicken: characters and problems – To write a problem of the story (Part 1)

Phonics – Sets 2 or 3 (I will advise parents individually – link to video lessons. Daily lessons will be live at 9.30am and available to watch for 24hrs)

Maths – Measurement: Length and perimeter – Perimeter of a rectangle

Worksheet: Y3-Spring-Block-4-WO8-Calculate-perimeter

English – The Man on the Moon – Narrative Writing: To plan the build-up of a narrative

All Tigers
Geography – What is Antarctica like?

New spellings to be tested on Monday 8th March:

YEAR 2: Spelling – Adding -ing to words of one syllable. The last letter is doubled to keep the short vowel sound – Lesson 20

YEAR 3: Spelling – The l sound spelled -le at the end of words – Lesson 20

Weekly assignments for Maths Shed and Spelling Shed have been updated: www.edshed.com

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