Wednesday is PE Day again! Although you should try to do some exercise most days, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays there are fitness videos provided by our PE coach, Mr Wright.
At 9am, there’s a whole federation worship with Mrs Williams, via Zoom.
Year 2 Tigers are invited to join Mrs Crowe in a Zoom call, at 9.30am for a briefing of the day’s lessons. At 10am, it’s Year 3 turn to catch-up with Mrs Crowe and be briefed about the day’s activities.
All details for logging into our Zoom calls have been sent to parents via ClassDojo.
Today’s links to video lessons and tasks:
Maths – Statistics – Block diagrams
Worksheet: Y2-Spring-Block-2-WO6-Block-diagrams
English – Instructions – To write a clear set of instructions (part 1)
Phonics – Sets 2 or 3 (I will advise parents individually – link to video lessons. Daily lessons will be live at 9.30am and available to watch for 24hrs)
Maths – Statistics – Tables
Worksheet: Y3-Spring-Block-3-WO3-Tables
English – Instructions – To write instructions for our monster pizza
All Tigers
Geography – What is North America like?
Last Summer, during the first lockdown, we have completed a Space weekly project, aimed at KS1. There is also a project aimed at Lower KS2 (Years 3 and 4), which some of you might enjoy: Y3_4-Learning-Project-SPACE
These activities can be complete throughout this half-term / lockdown.
For those who missed the KS1 Space project the first time around, there are more suitable activities for Year 2 in that one: KS1-Learning-Project-SPACE
Weekly assignments for Maths Shed and Spelling Shed will be updated tomorrow, once both year groups have done their weekly tests:
Don’t forget to read everyday. If you need other books at the relevant level, please send me a message, or access a variety of e-books on the Oxford Owl e-book library. Please have a look at our main Class page for many other free resources you might find useful.