Tiger Class – Home learning – Friday 29th January

  • Thursday is PE day! Although you should try to do some exercise most days, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays there are fitness videos provided by our PE coach, Mr Wright: The Wright Way Group
  • There are no Zoom calls on Friday, as it is mostly your “catch-up day”.
Today’s links to video lessons and tasks:


  • Maths – Multiplication and Division – end of unit assessment

There’s no video lesson today, as it’s our assessment day. Children should try to answer the questions independently, but parents / carers can read the questions for them.

Assessment paper: Year-2-Division

  • English  – Video lesson:

To write the ending of a recycled story


  • Maths – Money

Lesson: Give change

Worksheet: Y3-Spring-Block-2-WO5-Give-change-2019

All Tigers

  • This week’s spelling lists, to be tested next week (on Monday for Year 2 and on Tuesday for Year 3):

Year 2: Adding ing to words ending in e with a consonant before it – Lesson 17

Year 3: Homophones words which have the same pronunciation but different meanings and or spellings – Lesson 17

Last Summer, during the first lockdown, we have completed a Space weekly project, aimed at KS1. There is also a project aimed at Lower KS2 (Years 3 and 4), which some of you might enjoy: Y3_4-Learning-Project-SPACE

These activities can be complete throughout this half-term / lockdown.

For those who missed the KS1 Space project the first time around, there are more suitable activities for Year 2 in that one: KS1-Learning-Project-SPACE

Weekly assignments for Maths Shed and Spelling Shed will be updated tomorrow, once both year groups have done their weekly tests: www.edshed.com

Don’t forget to read everyday. If you need other books at the relevant level, please send me a message, or access a variety of e-books on the Oxford Owl e-book library. Please have a look at our main Class page for many other free resources you might find useful.

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