please find attached the timetable (with links) and files for week 10 of the Summer Term (week commencing on 29th June) for YEAR 1 only. The Year 2 equivalent documents will be published later today.
Tiger Class Y1 – wc 29.6.20
This week’s theme for our home learning project is “Around the World”! I hope you enjoy it!
Tiger Class – WC-29.06.2020_-KS1-Learning-Project-AROUND-THE-WORLD
White Rose Maths worksheets:
Y1-Week-10-Worksheets (1)
BBC Bitesize:
I have also updated the assignments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed.
All relevant documents and worksheets can been found in this post. Alternatively, all links and resources will also be published in our Class Dojo page daily, where I will be able to answer any queries.
Kind regards,
Mrs Crowe