Dear Parent
Shropshire Music Service have been offering free online instrumental lessons this term. From September we will need to start charging for lessons as normal. As our teachers are not yet allowed to visit schools, the highly successful online teaching will continue for the Autumn term.
Shropshire Music Service will be billing parents directly while online lessons are taking place. This will definitely be the case for lessons delivered in the Autumn term. To sign up, please complete the attached application form and arrange payment in advance of lessons beginning. You can do this now to ensure all is in place in good time. We will be unable to start lessons until payment has been received.
As our staff are working from home, please contact the Music Service by email if you have any queries and one of our staff will contact you.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Sent on behalf of Alison Stevens
Music Service Manager
Shropshire Music Service
parental contract online lessons