September 2021 – Welcome Back

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back!

We are very much looking forward to welcoming all of our pupils back to school for the start of the new term, as well as welcoming our new nursery and reception pupils who will be joining us this September. We hope you have all had a restful and relaxing summer break.

We are writing to you to inform you of some of the changes in the latest Government guidance which was updated by the Department of Education (DfE) during the Summer Holidays. It is the DfE’s priority for schools to deliver face to-face, high-quality education to all pupils whilst keeping the school communities as safe as possible. Some of the changes made to the guidance, allow schools to operate in a way that was more familiar prior to the pandemic by removing most if not all restrictions. However, we feel as school, we would like to keep some restrictions in place so that we can fully monitor their impact once all pupils and staff return. This way we can either reduce or step up measures accordingly and prioritise everyone’s safety.

School Organisation:

Children are no longer required to keep in strict ‘bubbles’ and pupils can mix between classes when necessary (e.g. assemblies, phonics groups, etc.) However, for at least the first two weeks of term, we will be maintaining our classes as separate bubbles as much as possible. Assemblies and acts of worship will take place in hall but classes will be distanced from each other and windows and doors opened in the hall to allow a good level of ventilation. We will also still have spilt key stage playtimes and lunch times as this eases congestion on the playground.

Drop off and Collection:

We will be maintaining the drop off and collection organisation that was in place during the previous academic year with only a small alteration to some of the timings.

Morning Drop Off:

8.45am to 9am (to allow a natural stagger)

Pupils will enter their classes on arrival at school in the same way at their designated doors:

  • Snow Leopards – Main nursery door
  • Panda – Playground door near nursery
  • Tiger – Main door
  • Rhino – Playground door/Fire exit
  • Jaguar – Fire exit near school entrance

Afternoon Collection:

Pupils will leave their classes through the same designated doors at the following staggered times:

  • Snow Leopards – Individual times communicated to parents
  • Panda: 3pm
  • Tiger: 3pm
  • Rhino: 3.05pm
  • Jaguar: 3.10pm

One Way System:

The one way system will remain around the playground will remain in place to allow a flow of movement and relieve congestion at the school gates.

Face Coverings:

Adults are no longer required to wear face coverings around or within school, but staff and parents/carers will be encouraged to do so.


Over the next few weeks at school, we will be closely monitoring the organisation of the school and if we need to make any changes, we will let you know according. By working together, we can ensure everyone stays safe.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Mr Glover

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