Safe return to school information

We hope you have all had a good holiday and managed some important relaxation and family time.

We are looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday, but want to make sure we are all healthy when we return, as many of us will have visited a wide range of people and places over the last two weeks.


If you or your children have any coronavirus symptoms, or any of the precautionary symptoms, please go for a PCR test prior to coming into school. If children have symptoms, they must not return to school until they have received a negative result.

Precautionary testing – please ask the adults in your household (and children if you wish) to do a lateral flow test this week if it is not already part of your normal routine. A positive lateral flow in an adult could indicate that one of your children may have the virus too.


Since Wednesday 22 December, the 10 day self-isolation period for people who record a positive PCR test result for COVID-19 has been reduced to 7 days, as long as they can provide proof of two negative LFD test results.

Individuals may now take LFD tests on day 6 and day 7 of their self-isolation period. Those who receive two negative test results are no longer required to complete 10 full days of self-isolation. The first test must be taken no earlier than day 6 of the self-isolation period and tests must be taken 24 hours apart. If both these test results are negative, and you do not have a high temperature, your child may end their self-isolation after the second negative test result and return to school from day 8.

Please see the flow chart below which helps explain this a bit more.

All LFD test results must be reported to the NHS via the GOV.UK website. You should then receive an NHS Covid-19 Notification email/text, which school will need to see as proof of the two negative lateral flow tests.

Please note that we will need to see proof of the two negative tests before your child can return to school. A photo of the LFD tests will not suffice, we must receive the official NHS Notification.  Thank-you for your understanding.

Infographic showing testing example for ending self-isolation early.


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