Rhino Daily Challenge – Writing

Read the short poem below:

Ten Things Found in a Wizard’s Pocket

A dark night.
Some words that nobody could ever spell.
A glass of water full to the top.
A large elephant.
A vest made from spider’s webs.
A handkerchief the size of a car park.
A bill from the wand shop.
A bucket full of stars and planets, to mix with the
dark night.
A bag of magic mints you can suck for ever.
A snoring rabbit.

By Ian McMillan


What 10 things would you find in the pocket of who?

What would be in the pockets of a teacher? a footballer? a pop star? a scientist? a film/book character?

Choose someone and decide what 10 things would be found in their pocket. Try and use the structure of the original poem to help. The poet uses some short lines but also uses some longer more detailed lines. He also links some of the lines together where he links the dark night with the bucket full of stars. Can you make links in your poem?

I really look forward to reading what you come up with and it would be great to share some of your work on the school website. Send your work in via dojo and will put a presentation together showcasing your work.

Good luck

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