Rhino Class – Working from home

Dear Rhino parents / carers,

Please look at and use the links below to access some interactive websites and resources I have put together for pupils while they are at home. I will be planning some other activities for pupils to complete in the near future, so please keep checking back on the school website.

Hope everyone keeps well

Mr Glover

Web Links:

Hit the Button – Fantastic mental maths activities.

Top Marks English – Interactive activities/games for grammar, spelling, reading, writing etc. Use the tabs at the top of the page to choose the category and scroll down to select the activity.

Top Marks Maths – Interactive activities/games on multiple themes including: place value, ordering and sequencing number and calculations. Use the tabs at the top of the page to choose the category and scroll down to select the activity.

BBC Bitesize Primary – Interactive games/activities for all subject areas. Click on the subject area of your choice.

Oxford Owls – Online games for Maths and English

KS2 Education Quizzes – A great website that contains a variety of quizzes based on a range of subject. Just scroll down to select a quiz which contains a series of multiple choice questions on a chosen theme. Make sure you read the questions carefully and good luck!

Super Movers – Feeling Active? Why not try some of the active learning videos on this BBC website. Videos are linked to a number of different subject areas and are a great way to get yourselves moving if you’re staying in the house all day.

Downloadable Resources:

Reading Comprehension:

Roald Dahl – 3 levels    Garden Birds – 3 levels   Armed Forces – 3 levels


Uplevelling Writing Activities – 3 levels

Story Writing Guidance


Year 3 Place Value   Year 4 Place Value

Year 3 Addition and Subtraction Workbook

Year-4-Addition-and-Subtraction Workbook

Year 3 Multiplication and Division Workbook

Year 4 Multiplication and Division Workbook

Maths at home – Year 3

Maths at home – Year 4

Ultimate x Table Challenge

Chilli Challenge Cards – How hot is your maths?

Arithmetic Tests:

Y3-Arithmetic-Half-Test-1a     Y3-Arithmetic-Half-Test-2a    Y3-Arithmetic-Half-Test-3a

Y4-Arithmetic-Half-Test-1a     Y4-Arithmetic-Half-Test-2a    Y4-Arithmetic-Half-Test-3a


Weekly spellings to learn:

Year 3 summer 1

Year 4 Summer 1

Curriculum Spelling Activities:

Year 3 and 4 Activity Sheets



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