Hi All…. with the current situation we are in and not being able to hold some of the amazing events that the school / PTA organise we have to look at alternatives. Although we have done the ‘bags for school’ before we are now pleased to say the school have a permanent clothes bank onsite!! This is open to the wider community so please spread the word!! There are still rules about what you can and cannot donate….
Clean / washed clothes ✅
Paired clean shoes ✅
Belts scarfs bags ✅
Bedding ❌
Worn out clothes ❌
Towels ❌
Black bags will do but you can collect specific plastic bags from school reception.
Bags can be deposited in the bank during school hours (when gates are open) the bank is located in the main school (teacher ) car park near the school reception.
Any questions please do get in touch
Happy decluttering ?