Proposed re-opening of the school – Draft plan

Dear parents and carers,

I know you must all be wondering what the next step will be for our schools to help you plan your own routines at home. There has been a huge amount of speculation, followed by so many documents from the DFE and LA. There are many more updates and documents on their way next week. We do not want to make plans only to have to undo them, so what I propose is a draft plan which we will adapt once we have all the advice and guidance. We need to audit all the staff and survey the parents properly to ascertain attendance numbers in the first instance.
We plan to take the return to school as safely as possible.  Our local authority have asked us to create teaching groups of 8-10 pupils, integrating them slowly, beginning with the youngest. These groups would not be able to mix with any other during their time in school.
We plan to begin with Nursery and Reception children, mornings only for the first week. If this is manageable, we will integrate year one, mornings only the following week. This will then be reviewed and depending on numbers of children in school and staff available, we may be able to introduce year 6. Potentially we need three teaching spaces for each year group, so it really is not possible to say yet. Our teaching days will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
We will still look after the children of key workers in a separate room in the school so that there is no cross-contamination. This will still be 5 days a week 8:30 until 4:30
The rest of the school will be closed on Wednesdays to allow for teachers PPA and for a deep clean of the school.
We are in talks with the Corbet about transition days for our year 6 on their premises as well, so please don’t panic that we won’t see our year 6 again. It is just hopefully useful to know that year 6s may not return to school until end of June at the earliest.
Teachers will continue to provide home-learning activities for the children at home, and this will be the same work that they complete with the children in school. The teachers will have chance to respond on Wednesdays or on some afternoons if they are not looking after keyworkers children.
We will pass on firm dates and details as soon as we are able to do so.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.
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