Phased return to school

Dear parents and carers,
Following the Prime Ministers announcement yesterday evening I’m sure you have many questions, as we do, that you would like clarifying. We found out the same information at the same time as you, so as you can imagine we have spent this morning trying to get some clarity.  I have met virtually with the headteachers from the other local primary schools and we will work closely on the next stage together. I will also be speaking to the Corbet to discuss year 6 transition. 
At the moment we will continue to provide provision for our Key Workers as we are at the moment. We have not yet received any information to support us with this new plan to start a phased return for some of the year groups. We expect to receive information from the Department for Education and the Local Authority very soon.
Please be assured that the safety of our children, staff and school community is the key priority and we will only begin a phased return when we are 100% prepared.
As always, we will keep you updated but for now please do not worry. We will continue to provide online learning for our children, keep in contact with you and continue to support each other during these difficult and uncertain times.
Many thanks for your patience.
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