Published on: 4th November, 2022

Newsletter – 4th November


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Parenting Team – Free groups for parents/carers January 2023

The Parenting Team will be delivering free virtual Understanding Your Child and Understanding Your Child SEND groups from January 2023 (poster attached).
These 10 week groups aim to:
Promote understanding of children’s behaviour within the context of developmental issues

  • Promote the development of parent/child relationship
  • Increase confidence and self-esteem in both parents and children
  • Give parents a strategy for repair when things go wrong
  • Promote reflective, sensitive and effective parenting

We are also offering a free virtual SLEEP TIGHT workshop (poster attached).
These 5 week workshops cover:

  • Recognising the role of sleep hygiene to improve sleep
  • Identifying causes of sleep issues and appropriate practical strategies to try
  • Completing sleep diaries and identifying potential sleep issues

Please do not hesitate to contact us directly if you have any questions: or give us a call on 01743 250950

UYC & SEND Groups Jan 2023 docx
Sleep Tight Workshop Poster Jan 23

Celebration Assembly – 4th November

Star of the Week :

Jaguar -Abi
Rhino -Sarah
Tiger – Oliver
Panda -Lilly
Snow Leopards – Ottilie

Mathematician of the Week: Ryan, Peter, Florence & Logan

Reader of the Week: Emily P, Francesca, Olivia PN, Ava Lo

Writer of the Week: Jess, Ruby D, Issy & Tabitha M

Handwriters of the Week: Charley, Riley & Grace P

Sports Star of the Week: Luca, Dylan W, Aria & Olivia H


Poppy Appeal 2022

In school we will be supporting the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.

Next week (7th November onwards) there will be a selection of items on sale within school. Please see below a list of the items and their prices –

Poppy – minimum donation of 20p
Reflective poppy – 50p
Zip Pull – 50p
Snap band rulers – £1.50
Wristbands – £1.00

If your child wishes to purchase any of the above items, they must bring the money with them to school. Items cannot be purchased from the school office, nor can the school office pass money to children if it has been forgotten.

Please ensure that your child brings the correct money as change cannot be given.

An order form will be given to each class every morning for children to place their orders. All items will be sold on a first come first serve basis.  Purchased items will be given to children at the end of each day.

School & PTA volunteering morning!!

We are holding a volunteering morning in school, where we can look at creating a gardening area on the field. The plan is for it to take place on Saturday, 12th November, 10am until 12pm. If we are able and have a few volunteers, we could also perhaps have a pruning session and a tidy up??

If you have any gardening equipment, trowels, small forks etc, or compost at home that you no longer need, these would be a great help to get this area up and running.

Mrs Turner will be leading this adventure so please pop and have a chat with her if you have any questions.

Thank you in advance.