Myddle Fest PTA & Raffle Ticket Sale
The PTA will be selling raffle tickets after school on Friday (24/06), they will be £2 each
You will also be able to order your Myddle Fest Tickets, advanced ticket price of Adults £5 / Kids £4. This ticket price includes either a burger/hot dog and the Exotic Zoo Show. Cash or Cheques (Myddle PTA).
Full details below:
Myddle Fest 2022
Sun Hat & Sun Cream
As the weather is starting to improve and we getting more opportunities to be outside, please can we ask that you send your child to school with a sun hat that they can wear outside.
Children sun cream is also recommended as an extra sun protection but this MUST be applied by parents before your child comes to school.
We will be mindful of the amount time that the children are out in the sun.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a ring on 01939 290834
Mrs Smith
Safer School Meeting 2022 – UPDATE
We had a good meeting today with Ian Bartlett, Crime Prevention Officer from Shropshire Council, Many thanks for all of the questionnaire which were returned.
It is, and always has been a great concern about the road/crossing outside school and the traffic passing through the village and this was evident in the parent questionnaires. Sadly the safer school scheme only relates to the school building and its grounds NOT the road outside.
We have asked Ian for his advice and he has recommended that ANY incidents/near misses outside of the school building relating to the traffic or any issues crossing the road etc, should be informed to school. We will then log these and have the evidence to back up the community/parents & staff concerns.
If anyone would like to discuss this further please call in to the school office and speak to Mrs Smith.
Sports for Champions -6th July
Reminder – Please encourage your child to come up with an inventive sports challenge ready for our Olympic visitor on the 6th July and don’t forget to sponsor them! Its going to be a fantastic afternoon and will be loads of fun for the children.
Plea for BBQ’s and Volunteers
The PTA are looking for BBQ’s which can used at Myddle Fest on Saturday 9th July. We are also in need of chef’s to operate the BBQ’s. For more details please speak to Mrs Smith or Elaine Downes for more information.
Lost Property – Please name your child’s uniform
We have sorted through the lost property and all of the uniform on the table is unnamed.
Please can we ask that you try and name all of your child’s uniform so we can avoid this unnecessary waste.

Girls Uniform
Dear Parents/carers
Now that the weather has improved, the children are enjoying using the field and the play equipment at break and lunchtime. Please could we suggest that girls wear cycling shorts under their dresses so that they can go upside down on the bars or perform cartwheels across the field, without worrying about their underwear showing? The supermarkets tend to have these short leggings in their uniform sections for this very purpose.
Many thanks.
Mrs Williams
Sports for Champions – 6th July
Please can all sponsor money be sent into school for Monday, 4th July ready for the exciting event on the 6th July.
Please encourage your child to get involved and get creative with their sporting activity.
Any questions please do not hesitate to give school a ring on 01939 290834
Mrs Smith
Spanish Club – Monday 4th July
Unfortunately as Mrs Crowe is unwell, we will have to cancel the Spanish afterschool club on Monday 4th July.
We will run this missed session on Monday 18th July instead.
Many Thanks
Mrs Smith
Tombola Prizes – Myddle Fest
Please can you have a look over the weekend for any prizes you may have at home for the tombola which will be held at Myddle Fest on the 9th July.
If you are unsure what you should bring in, please speak to Elaine Downes, PTA Chair or Mrs Smith, School Admin
Celebration Assembly – 1st July
Star of the Week :
Jaguar -Dylan
Rhino -Sarah
Tiger – Dylan
Panda -Logan
Snow leopards – Emily
Mathematician of the Week: Alfie R, Ariana, Ben, Indi & Ivy J
Reader of the Week: Maisie, Sienna M, William Pa, Beau
Writer of the Week: Isy R, Bradley L, William Pe & Olivia P-N
Handwriters of the Week: Lucy, Holly & Ivy S
Sports Star of the Week: Siena W, Jack P, Freddie & Bradley T