Parenthood can be extremely rewarding and enjoyable. It can also be demanding, frustrating and exhausting. In Shropshire the Parenting Team offer workshops and groups for parents which provide easy to implement, proven parenting solutions
The groups encourage parents and carers to identify the most important issues in their relationship with their child and to reflect on why things sometimes go well and sometimes do not. It is about looking at what you are already doing well and building on that to make it even better. It is then easier for you as a parent to identify how to work together with your child.
You will explore topics like:
- Having Fun Together
- Behaviour Difficulties
- Sleep
- Communication
- Development Needs
- Parenting Styles
There are a range of face-to-face and virtual groups happening across the county this term, including a group for families with children who have special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Our Meet n Chat SEND drop-ins are back for the Autumn. They are a chance for families of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to get support with general SEND enquires. You can chat with people from Early Help, Education, Health and the Parent Carer Council (PACC). The sessions are free to attend and are next being held:
Raven House, Market Drayton Family Hub, 129 Cheshire Street, TF9 3AH Tuesday 17 September 2024, 1pm-3pm
Bridgnorth Youth Centre, Bridgnorth Family Hub, 45 Innage Lane, WV16 4HS Tuesday 15 October, 1.30pm-4pm
Meole Brace Primary School Family Drop-in, Church Road, SY3 9HG Thursday 7 November 2024, 9.30am-12 noon
You can find info of these and other drop-ins for families on the Family Information Directory.
Now the new school term has begun, many baby and toddler groups will start up again. Baby and toddler groups are a great way to meet other children and parents, in a relaxed setting. Most groups are very budget friendly and do not require pre-booking.
We keep a list of groups across the county on our Family Information Directory, which you can search by area to find those closest to you.
Has your child just started Year 6 at primary school? If so, they will start secondary school in September 2025. During September and October most secondary schools will be holding open afternoons and evenings, so you can get a feel for the school. Click the ‘find out more’ button below for a list of upcoming dates across Shropshire.
The online application portal is now open and you have until 31 October to apply for your preferred secondary schools. Find out more info and apply here: Transferring to secondary school | Shropshire Council
As this is the sixth edition of our newsletter, we thought now would be a good time to check how you feel about it. Do you find the info in it useful? What would you like to see more, or less, of? Got any ideas to make it even better? Take our super short survey and let us know. Thank you!