Well done everyone – there is only one more week until half term!! You have all done amazingly well. The responses to the parent surveys were really useful and teachers have been able to make tweaks to their provision to help you as much as possible. If there is anything else you need, you can email in at any time. We can give you paper, stationery, reading books, exercise books and even lend you a laptop – just contact the office.
The teachers and TAs, as you rightly said in your survey responses, have been fantastic and are working absolutely flat out. It’s great to have Dojo to contact teachers whenever its convenient for you, but please can I ask that you don’t expect a response from them late in the evenings or at the weekends. I have told the teachers to have a proper break at half term, so there will be no work set during this week. I’m sure most of you will be glad of this, too!
Keep smiling, keep in touch and do what works for you and your family. Every family is unique; what works for some, will not work for others. We understand that, and you mustn’t worry or compare yourself to others. When we all come back, we will have lots of things in place to support the children and get back on track if needed.
Take care, Mrs Williams