We are so pleased to be able to welcome all pupils back to school on Monday 8th March. We have put together a poster for your children with some information showing them what will be the same and what will be different. This is coming to you via Dojo as each teacher has adapted it to let you know the new topics, PE days, start and finish times and other specific class information.
Essentially, school will be operating very much as it was between September and Christmas.
Next week, the teachers are going to send home a sheet for your child to complete to let us know how they are feeling about coming back, what they liked and disliked about lockdown etc. so please look out for that and bring it back on the 8th.
We really can’t wait to have everyone back and start our journey to normality. I bet you are looking forward to it as well – tidier house, more food left in the cupboards, better sleep and most importantly, being a parent again rather than a teacher! We think you have been absolutely brilliant and can’t thank you enough for all your hard work and support.
Even though some normality is returning to school, we still need to make you aware that a bubble could still be closed at any time if someone in our school tests positive for Covid-19. All of our staff and Little Angels staff are taking Lateral Flow Tests twice a week so that we can take immediate action and limit any potential spread from staff members.
We need your support to help monitor our pupils. If your child is displaying any Covid symptoms prior to returning to school, you must not bring them to school until you have received a negative test result or until they have completed a 10 day isolation period.
Our wonderful school administrator is an expert in the Covid requirements and timeframes for reporting and isolating, so please call Mrs Smith at any time if you are unsure of what to do.
Thank you for your continued support
Many thanks,
Mrs Williams