Our feeder secondary school is The Corbet Academy, Baschurch.
We believe that it is important for the children to feel well prepared to move on to secondary school, not just academically, but also emotionally. We make a big effort to ensure that the children take part in as many events as possible at the Corbet, so they are familiar with the building, the staff and children from other primary schools that will be in their year groups.
Throughout primary school, your child will visit the Corbet several times for events such as science day (year 5), maths day (year 2 and year 5) and MFL day (year 6). From year 2, children take part in Sports Festivals and competitions there, alongside the other catchment primary schools. In the summer term, the year 6 will have a formal transition day at the Corbet. If your child has an EHCP or we feel that they would benefit from additional transition sessions, then we happily arrange this for them.