We are very proud of our school and are regularly complemented on our smart, well mannered children when we are on school visits and outings. Uniform plays a big part in this: it gives children a sense of belonging to our community and we expect all children to wear the uniform with pride.
Our uniform can be purchased from The School Shop. Anything not available can be ordered very quickly for you. Please label all your items and check regularly that your labelling hasn’t faded.
Uniform Details
- red school logo jumper or cardigan
- red logo polo shirt
- grey bottoms
Shoes should be black and socks should be plain white, black or grey please. Red or Grey tights can be worn
We sell logo fleeces and bookbags, too.
Children need to wear a Myddle School logo t-shirt and dark shorts. Trainers or pumps need to be in school for outdoor PE lessons. Children can come to school in their PE kit on PE days.
We sell school book bags which we expect children to bring everyday with their reading books, diary, homework etc. Please ensure all belongings are labelled.
Buying Uniform
You can find out more about buying uniform on the uniform shop page of our Parents’ Area: