Forest School

Just a quick reminder that the children from Rhino class have forest school on a Thursday morning.  Some of the other classes had to rearrange the times but we kept our original time of a Thursday morning.  The children do go to church before they go into the forest and so we ask that whilst they can come in their outdoor clothing that they wear their normal shoes for registration and the church service.  When they get back they can then pop on their wellies at the back door  and enjoy their lesson outside.

It is cold now and the children are outside for the whole morning.  Please can you ensure they have warm clothing, gloves, waterproof trousers (so they can sit down outside) and wellies. Wellies get muddy so a plastic bag to put them in afterwards is much appreciated to help keep the school clean.  Children can then get changed out of possibly wet, muddy outside gear into their uniform for the rest of the day.

Any questions, please drop me an email or pop in and see me, I will always try and make myself available for you.


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