Dear Parents,
I am sure that you would have seen the announcement earlier this week regarding the changes to the self-isolation guidelines which start from today. It is wonderful that after two long years, we are edging towards life without Covid restrictions, although as a community we must be mindful that this elicits different responses in those around us.
The DfE wrote to schools sharing information, which I am sharing with you. The bold text comes directly from the DfE email.
Changes to self-isolation and daily testing of close contacts
From Thursday 24 February, the Government will remove the legal requirement to self-isolate following a positive test. Adults and children who test positive will continue to be advised to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for at least 5 full days, and then continue to follow the guidance until they have received 2 negative test results on consecutive days. In addition, the Government will:
No longer ask fully vaccinated close contacts and those aged under 18 to test daily for 7 days, and remove the legal requirement for close contacts who are not fully vaccinated to self-isolate.
Staff, children and young people should attend their education settings as usual. This includes staff who have been in close contact within their household, unless they are able to work from home.
You will see that the advice is for people who have Covid to remain at home for at least 5 full days and then follow the guidance until they have received two negative lateral flows.
Although these are now guidelines rather than legal requirements, we hope that parents will choose to adhere to these guidelines for the health and well being of all our families. This will also help to ensure our staff remain well and therefore able to continue to provide high quality education. Your support will hopefully allow us to avoid a situation where, as before the half term break, we were struggling to staff some our classes.
We hope you have all had a restful half term and we looking forward to seeing you all on Monday 28th February.
Many thanks for your support with this matter.
Mrs Williams and Mr Glover