
Friday 21st October, 2022

Lost Property and Purse Found

We have a lot of lost property in school at the moment, please feel free to come in and check it. It is located in the main reception area.

If your child lost their purse at the PTA disco on Wednesday, please speak to Mrs Smith

Thursday 20th October, 2022

Myddle CE Primary School Harvest Service 2022

Monday 17th October, 2022

Y6 Science (Light)

In our final Science lesson of this half term topic of ‘Light’, the Y6s have been analysing ‘shadows’, learning how they are created and how they change in size or length. Today, they’ve had the opportunity to make and show shadow puppets.

Monday 17th October, 2022

Ten Pin Bowling

This morning, 8 children in Y4,5 or 6 had the opportunity to represent the school in a ten-pin bowling event in Shrewsbury, where they competed against 8 other teams. They all had a great time and finished in 3rd place; they were delighted with their bronze medal position. Well done everybody. You did yourselves and the school proud!

Saturday 15th October, 2022

Plea for Plastic Bottle Tops!

The Eco-club are working on a new project and would like plastic Bottle tops.

If you have any in your recycling please send them into school


Friday 14th October, 2022

Tennis taster day with The Shrewsbury Club

Today, all of the children in Y2 – Y6 have been receiving some excellent coaching sessions from Craig Sharratt, one of The Shrewsbury Club’s tennis coaches. If you would your child to take part in the free tennis sessions at The Shrewsbury Club this Sunday, just turn up with your free voucher and enjoy the day!


Friday 14th October, 2022

Odd Socks Day – Monday 14th November

Monday 14th November to Friday 18th November is Anti-Bullying Week.

Odd Socks Day marks the start of Anti-Bullying Week and it will take place on Monday 14th November. Children should come to school on this day wearing their favourite odd socks!

For more information about Odd Socks Day please visit –


Friday 14th October, 2022

PTA Disco -Wednesday 19th October

Our lovely PTA are holding their first disco since the pandemic on Wednesday, 19th October in the school hall.

It starts at 6pm and finishes at 7:30pm, £3 entry which includes a hot dog . There will be gluten and vegetarian options available. Reception parents are required to stay at school for the duration of the disco.

There is a prize for the best Autumn Fancy dress as well. No need to book, just come along for a dance!

Tuesday 11th October, 2022

Tag Rugby Tournament

Congratulations to the 8 children who represented Myddle CE Primary School in a tag rugby tournament at the Corbet School this morning. Out of the 7 games that they played, we won 4 and drew one of them, which was enough to finish in 2nd place and to qualify for the Shropshire School Games later in the year. A great achievement!


Tuesday 11th October, 2022

Art Club – cancelled 12/10

Unfortunately we are going to have to postpone the last art club (12/10) due yo illness. We will run this session on Wednesday 19th October instead.

Apologies for this inconvenience.