
Tuesday 16th October, 2018

Secondary School Application Deadline -Y6

Just a reminder that the deadline for Secondary School applications is Wednesday 31 October. 

Applications received after 31 October are considered as Late. Late applications are considered after all the on time applicants have been allocated their school places.

This means that the pupil is at risk of not being allocated a place at their catchment/ nearest or preferred schools.

Here is the link to the application form if you have not applied already


Tuesday 16th October, 2018

Harvest Costumes – Y6 Readers Only

Please ignore previous post regarding costumes on Thursday.  It is in fact only children that have a reading in church that will require a costume.  These parents will now be contacted separately.

Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused. Please spread the word to any parents that may have seen the previous post but not this one.

Tuesday 16th October, 2018

Sunrise Club – Toys/Board Games Wanted

Do you have any unwanted toys or complete board games? We would be really grateful of any donations for Sunrise Club please!  If you have anything you would like to donate, please hand it to the school office or a member of staff at Sunrise Club.  Thank you.

Monday 15th October, 2018

Harvest Festival & Raffle

Just a reminder that it is our Harvest Festival at the Church on Thursday 18 October at 10.30am. Everyone welcome, we hope to see you all there.

If you would like to make a donation to our food raffle, please bring this into school before Thursday so that we can make up hampers.

Some of our children will be selling raffle tickets in the mornings before school starts and also at the Church on Thursday.

Friday 12th October, 2018

Weekly Round-up 12.10.18

Parent Lunches: We look forward to family members joining the children for dinner next week. Monday: panda class parents, Tuesday: Tiger class, Wednesday: Rhino class, Thursday: Jaguar class.

Harvest Festival Thursday: please join us at the church for our harvest festival at 10:30 on Thursday morning. If you are able to make a donation to our food raffle, please bring this into school before Thursday so that we can make up hampers. You will then be able to buy raffle tickets in church for these. Thank you very much.

Celebration Assembly: our ‘cups’ assembly will be on Friday morning. You will be notified if your child is receiving an award, but all parents are welcome to join us.

Cross Country: if your child has been chosen for the cross country competition on Tuesday, please take them to the Corbet by 3:45. Races start at 3:50 and should be finished by 4:30  Mrs Williams will be there to meet the children and supervise the races.

Mrs Langley will be absent from the office for the next two weeks. The admin staff from Baschurch will be covering in the meantime. Feel free to pop in and say hello to Emily and Nicky and they will do their best to help you with any queries. We thank you for your patience with this as they get to know how things work.

Wednesday 10th October, 2018


Congratulation to all of the children who represented Myddle CE Primary school in friendly football matches after school today at Ruyton XI Towns. All of the games were closely fought and enjoyable to watch. The boys’ team drew 1-1 (Jacob) and lost 1-0, whilst the girls’ team won 2-0 (Georgia, Maddie) and lost 4-0. Every player got more important minutes on the pitch which will benefit them for their future games. Well played everybody!

Wednesday 10th October, 2018

Toy cars wanted please

Do any of you have toy cars that your children have outgrown? We would be really grateful of any donations for sunset club please.

Sunset club and Panda class would also be interested in any good condition toys or construction such as blocks, marble runs, k’nex, vehicles, baby dolls, play food, dressing up or small world figures. If you’re having a clear out before Christmas, please bear us in mind!

Thank you very much.

Tuesday 9th October, 2018

Lost clothing

Please can you check inside school bags / PE bags for two missing items of clothing from the children in Jaguar class, listed below.

*1 school shoe (missing since football practise on Friday)

*1 PE shirt with name inside (incorrect shirt taken home)

Kind regards

Tuesday 9th October, 2018

Y5&6 Tag Rugby

Well done to the squad of eight children who represented Myddle CE Primary School in the Tag Rugby this morning. Overall, we finished in 4th place out of the 7 teams that entered, after competing well in all of the games. Most of the children scored tries but all of the children made excellent contributions in defence too. A solid start to a busy year of sport for the pupils at Myddle!