
Thursday 8th November, 2018

Missing Blue Waterproof Jacket

Missing since before half term – blue waterproof jacket.

If found, please return to the school office.  Thank you.

Thursday 8th November, 2018

Flu Immunisations R, 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Flu Immunisations will take place on 5th December 2018.

A letter will soon be sent home with children in Years R, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 with more information. Once this letter has been received, please ensure that all consent forms are returned to school within one week.

If we do not receive your child’s consent form, they will not receive the immunisation. 

If you have any questions, please contact the school office. Thank you.

Wednesday 7th November, 2018

Young Voices T-Shirt and Tickets Order Forms

This week, children who have signed up for Young Voices will receive a T-Shirt and Audience Tickets Order form.   Please ensure that these forms are returned to the school office by Friday 16th November.  There will be no opportunity to order tickets through school or t-shirts at all after this date.  Payment can be made online via the School Gateway. Thank you.

Tuesday 6th November, 2018

Anti-Bullying Week 12th-16th November

We are really pleased to welcome back Reach Out Arts this year on Monday 12th November. There will be a whole school assembly to raise awareness of this year’s theme ‘CHOOSE RESPECT‘ .

Rhino class will then work with Saskia and Gemma for the rest of the afternoon doing dance, drama and well-being activities.

If any children in the school would like to wear odd socks on Monday 12th to help get the message across that different is good and differences should be celebrated and valued, we would love to see your crazy socks! It’s an opportunity for children to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!

Due to the fact the children are attending the Remembrance service at the church in the morning, please could they bring their odd socks to put on after this. Thank-you.

Tuesday 6th November, 2018

Children in Need

This year we will be going spotty for BBC Children in Need!
On Friday 16 November, we will be having a non-uniform day. On this day, we would like children to come to school looking spotty and bring a teddy for a donation of £1.  This could include coming dressed head to toe in spots, painting your face spotty, wearing Pudsey merchandise or simply wearing a spotty piece of clothing.

We will also be holding a Teddy Sale and running a Book Stall, and would be very grateful for donations of soft toys and books which can be dropped at the school office beforehand. Save your pocket money! Also any spare coins can be used to cover our Pudsey Bear.

All proceeds will be donated to Children in Need.

Monday 5th November, 2018

Remembrance Service

The children will be attending a service at the Cenotaph on Monday 12 November at 11am. Parents/carers are very welcome to join us there if you can make it.

Monday 5th November, 2018

British Legion Poppy Appeal

In school we always support the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.
From tomorrow (Tuesday) there will be a selection of items on sale in school with the suggested minimum donations below:
Poppy –  20p
Reflective poppy – 50p
Pencils, sharpeners, erasers – 50p
Rulers – £1.00

You may of course donate more if you wish.

Sunday 4th November, 2018

Extra Curricular Sports

Just a quick reminder that the 2nd Cross Country event shall be taking place this Tuesday 6th November after school (please don’t arrive before 3:40pm) at the Corbet School, Baschurch.

Other extra curricular sports events this half term include:

13.11.18 – 3rd Cross Country event

20.11.18 – 4th Cross Country event

21.11.18 Swimming gala for Y5&6 (Please return the reply slip if your child has been chosen to represent the school in this event)

27.11.18 Indoor Athletics event

4.12.18 Hockey event

(Football friendly matches – dates to be arranged)