
Wednesday 14th November, 2018

RAF Cosford

A very enjoyable and educational trip to RAF Cosford was had by all today. Here are some of the images of the day, involving Jaguar class.                            

Tuesday 13th November, 2018

Cross Country Event 3

Thank you to the parents who transported the children to the 3rd Cross Country event after school today at the Corbet School. Yet again we had a great turn out, with 22 pupils braving the cold, damp conditions to perform to the best of their ability. Charlie (Y6) continued his high standards with another 1st place position, whilst Dylan (Y3) produced another excellent run in 2nd place.Other top 6 positions this week included Zoe (Y4) in 5th place and Rhys (Y4) in 3rd place. However, a big well done to all of the other children who have attended all three events so far and shown great dedication and bravery throughout.

The final event will take place next Tuesday.

Tuesday 13th November, 2018

Harmer Hill Village Hall Christmas Shopping Night

One of our parents is organising a Christmas Shopping Night at Harmer Hill Village Hall on Wednesday 21st November to raise money to buy a defibrillator for the Harmer Hill Community.  Please see attached poster for more information.

Christmas Shopping Night

Tuesday 13th November, 2018

Dates for the Diary

Please see below some important diary dates for this half term –

Wednesday 14th November – YR-Y6 Cosford RAF Museum

Friday 16th November – BBC Children In Need

Friday 23rd November – Open Afternoon 1.15-2.30pm

Wednesday 28th November – PTA Wreath Making Workshop 7.00pm

Saturday 1st December – Myddle PTA Christmas Fayre

Tuesday 4th December – Whole School Pantomime – more information to follow

Wednesday 12th December – KS2 Production 1.30pm & 5.30pm

Friday 14th December – Christmas Jumper Day

Friday 14th December – Celebration Assembly 9.10am

Tuesday 18th December – KS1 Production 2.00pm

Wednesday 19th December – Christmas Dinner

Thursday 20th December – Christingle 10.30am

All of the above dates can also be found in the “Diary Dates” section of our school
website. Any new diary dates will also be added and alterations updated on this area.

Tuesday 13th November, 2018

School Photograph Order Forms

School photograph order forms will soon be sent home with children.  Please ensure that all photograph orders are returned to school by Friday 23 November.  Thank you.

Monday 12th November, 2018

Young Voices T-Shirt and Tickets Order Forms

Children who have signed up for Young Voices should have now received a T-Shirt and Audience Tickets Order form.   Please ensure that these forms are returned to the school office by Friday 16th November.  There will be no opportunity to order tickets through school or t-shirts at all after this date.  Payment can be made online via the School Gateway.  If you have not received an order form, please contact the school office.

Monday 12th November, 2018

Office Closed – Wednesday 14th November

Our school office will be closed this Wednesday 14th November. If you need to speak to someone on this day, please contact Baschurch Primary School, where you will be able to speak to Emily or Mrs Knight.

Baschurch Primary – 01939 260443 or admin@baschurch.shropshire.sch.uk

Monday 12th November, 2018

Children In Need

Just a reminder that it is Children In Need this Friday 16 November.  We will be having a non-uniform day and would like children to come to school looking spotty and bring a teddy for a donation of £1.  This could include coming dressed head to toe in spots, painting your face spotty, wearing Pudsey merchandise or simply wearing a spotty piece of clothing.

We will also be holding a Teddy Sale and running a Book Stall.  We would be very grateful for donations of soft toys and books which can be dropped at the school office beforehand. Save your pocket money! Also any spare coins can be used to cover our Pudsey Bear.

All proceeds will be donated to Children in Need.

Monday 12th November, 2018

Cosford RAF Museum – REMINDER

Just a reminder that Pandas, Tigers, Rhinos and Jaguars will be visiting the Cosford RAF Museum this Wednesday 14th November.

Please ensure that you give your consent and make payment online as soon as possible, if you have not already done so. If you have any problems with the School Gateway, please contact the school office. Thank you.

Monday 12th November, 2018

Remembrance Service

Just a reminder that children will be attending a service at the Cenotaph this morning (Monday 12 November) at 11.00am. Parents/carers are very welcome to join us there if you can make it.