
Friday 11th January, 2019

Skiing winners!

Yet again, Myddle CE children proved their quality in sport – this time in Skiing. A huge well done to Zoe Harris, Lily Thomas and Dylan Thomas who represented the school in a skiing event in Telford and finished in 1st place. A fantastic achievement!

Friday 11th January, 2019

Intra-House sports event

Prior to the Christmas break, all of the children competed in an intra-house new age kurling event. Congratulations to Wrekin house, who won the event by 1 point.

The full results were:

1st – Wrekin 76 points

2nd – Pimhill 75 points

3rd – Haughmond 57 points

4th – Grinshill 30 points


Friday 11th January, 2019

Archery Club

Unfortunately Archery Club will not be running this half term.  Parents whose children have signed up will be notified separately. If you have already paid for the club, please pop into the school office and we will be able to give you a full refund.  Please accept our apologies for this, as we too are extremely disappointed.

Friday 11th January, 2019

Football Club

Next Friday 18th January, we would like to invite girls in year 1 and above to join the ‘Boys Football’ after school club.  The club will finish at 4.15pm.

This is a one-off session, due to reduced numbers as some of the children in the club will be attending a football match in Market Drayton. There will be no charge.

If your child would like to attend, please let the school office or Mr Hughes know. Thank you.


Thursday 10th January, 2019

Messy Church

Please see attached poster with details of a Messy Church event on Saturday 26 January at Loppington Village Hall.

Messy Church

Thursday 10th January, 2019

Young Voices

A letter has been sent home today (Thursday) to all children going to Young Voices next week.

Thursday 10th January, 2019

Catch Up Clinics

Due to the demand of the current clinics more catch up clinics for those who have outstanding vaccinations have been arranged.  Below are a list of clinics currently available:

Thursday 10th January 2019 – Ellesmere Medical Practise, Trimpley Street, Ellesmere, SY12 0DB.  9.30am to 12.40pm

Wednesday 16th January- Ludlow Community Hospital, Minor Injuries Unit, Gravel Hill, Ludlow SY8 1QX. 10am-4:30pm

Wednesday 23rd January- Ludlow Community Hospital, Minor Injuries Unit, Gravel Hill, Ludlow SY8 1QX. 10am-4:30pm

Friday 25th January 2019 – Donnington Health Centre, Wrekin Drive, Donnington, Telford, TF2 8EA – 9.30am – 4.40pm

These clinics are for any of the following outstanding vaccinations:
–          HPV
–          ACWY
–          DTP
–          Nasal Flu (Reception – Year 5)

Parents are able to book an appointment by emailing shropcom.immunisationteam@nhs.net or alternatively phone 01743 450800.

Tuesday 8th January, 2019

Young Voices

Young Voices is just over one week away, Thursday 17th January, so we will be sending a letter home this week with final details for the day.

If your child is no longer able to attend Young Voices, it is really important that you let the school office know as soon as possible.    

If you ordered parent tickets for Young Voices, these are now available for collection from the school office.

Tuesday 8th January, 2019

Flu Vaccinations

The Immunisation Team will be providing clinics around the county over the next couple of weeks for those who missed the Nasal Flu Vaccination. Below are a list of clinics they currently have available:

Tuesday 8th January 2019 – Coral House, Coral House, Longbow, Harlescott Lane, Shrewsbury, SY1 3GZ.  1.00pm to 4.40pm

Wednesday 9th January 2019 – Coral House, Coral House, Longbow, Harlescott Lane, Shrewsbury, SY1 3GZ.  2.00pm to 4.40pm

Thursday 10th January 2019 – Ellesmere Medical Practice, Trimpley Street, Ellesmere, SY12 0DB.  9.30am to 12.40pm

Friday 25th January 2019 – Donnington Health Centre, Wrekin Drive, Donnington, Telford, TF2 8EA – 9.30am – 4.40pm

For children aged 4-10 years old (Reception – Year 5). You can book an appointment by emailing on shropcom.immunisationteam@nhs.net or alternatively phone 01743 450800.