
Monday 4th March, 2019

School Dinners

A reminder that we are putting up the cost of a school dinner by 10p to £2.20 at the start of the summer term (after the Easter holidays).

We have held the price at £2.10 for some time but now reluctantly need to increase the price by this small amount. We believe that this is still excellent value.

Thank you for your continued support.

Monday 4th March, 2019

Star of the Week! – Friday 1st March

Star Pupils

Snow Leopard: Ivy

Panda:  Ruby

Tiger:  Tom

Rhino:   Dylan

Jaguar:   Lucy H

Mathematicians of the week:   Freddie C and Holly H! 

Writer of the week:  Georgia

Reader of the week:  Eloise

Handwriter of the week: Cassie

Winners of Scruffy:   Panda Class

Headteacher Awards (15 x merits):


Special Mentions:

Well done to our Y5/6 Boys Football Team who beat Addmore 4-0!

Monday 4th March, 2019

Office Closed – Thursday 7th March

The school office will be closed this Thursday 7th March. If you need to speak to someone on this day, please contact Baschurch Primary School, where you will be able to speak to Emily.

Baschurch Primary – 01939 260443 or admin@baschurch.shropshire.sch.uk

Monday 4th March, 2019

Rhino Class Trip – Friday 8th March

Just a reminder that Rhino Class will be visiting Hawkstone Follies this Friday 8th March.  All permissions/payments should have now been made via the School Gateway. If you have not yet done this, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you.

Monday 4th March, 2019

Cookery Club

It was the last of the six sessions of Cookery Club last week.  Therefore, we would now like to open it up to another group of children.

This club is open to all children in Panda, Tiger, Rhino and Jaguar Class, but is limited to 2 children per class.  If your child did not take part in Cookery last half term, and would like to sign up this half term, please contact the school office to confirm a place.

Cookery Club will run for 6 sessions, starting this week, and will cost £18.00 (£3.00 per session).  The club will run every Wednesday after school until 4.30pm. If you have any questions, please contact the school office or Mrs Davies at Nursery.

Friday 1st March, 2019

News from i2c Tennis


Thursday 28th February, 2019

Sunrise/Sunset Invoices

Just a gentle reminder that Sunset and Sunrise invoices are due to be paid by today.  Thank you for your support.

Thursday 28th February, 2019

Office Closed

Our school office will be closed today. If you need to speak to someone urgently, please contact Baschurch Primary School, where you will be able to speak to Emily.

Baschurch Primary – 01939 260443 or admin@baschurch.shropshire.sch.uk

Wednesday 27th February, 2019

Parents Evening – Year 6

We would just like to remind parents/carers of children in Year 6 that they do not need to attend Parents Evening tonight, as these meetings were replaced by the Y6 SATs Revision appointments which took place before half term.  Thank you.

Wednesday 27th February, 2019

Myddle Fun Run!

Reminder that this year’s Fun Run will be taking place on Sunday 24th March at 10.30am. Please see attached poster for more information.

Fun Run 2019