
Thursday 7th May, 2020

Yr 6 – Free School Transport

Any parents/carers of year 6 pupils, who wish to apply for free school transport for their child/children from September 2020, should do so before 31st May 2020. Applications can be made online at www.shropshire.gov.uk or over the phone with the Council’s Customer Service Team by calling 0345 6789008. Alternatively, should you require a paper copy of the application form, please do not hesitate to contact the school or Passenger Transport directly via email, schooltransport@shropshire.gov.uk or over the phone on the above telephone number. It is important to explain that, if the application is not received by 31st May 2020, the Authority may be unable to provide transport for the beginning of the autumn term 2020 and parents/carers will need to make their own transport arrangements. Access to school transport is not permitted until entitlement has been confirmed.


Scanned letter to school-parents Sept 2020

Thursday 7th May, 2020

Dinner Survey – Update

Thank you to those who recently returned the school dinner survey. We are trying very hard to make any improvements so if you missed completing the survey and would like to, please ask Mrs Smith in the office for another copy.

I am pleased to see that there are not many dislikes. I can answer those quite easily and hopefully put your mind at rest.

Some children complained about queuing. This is never an easy one to manage but at Myddle the children pre choose their meals which helps. As the numbers of children in school grow, there will inevitably be more children to serve. We do stagger the times they come in and I don’t think they do have to wait too long.

One comment was about the dirty floor and seats. I will ask the lunchtime supervisors to put this right as this is not acceptable.

Some commented about the size of the helpings. We do have to follow strict government guidance about portion control and the older children do get more. I realise that children come in different shapes and sizes though! Seconds are sometimes available. Portion size is a hard balancing act – we have to give them enough to get through the school afternoon but not so much that they fall asleep. If they are hungry when they get home, we have done our job properly!

The lunchtime supervisors do monitor how much your child has eaten. They are not allowed pudding until we are satisfied that they have eaten enough of their main course. It is actually harder to monitor packed lunches as children can hide food under wrappers etc before putting it in the bin.

Our whole menu meets strict nutritional guidelines and any pudding, apart from the odd treat, (and we all need one of those every now and again) is low in sugar and fat. There is always fruit salad, fruit and yogurt available too.

Every day there are at least 2 hot dishes, plus jacket, wraps, salad etc so there should be something for your child every day.

We are just about to introduce a new menu which Sara has been working on, please let us know what you think when we finally get back! The menu is always published on the website so you will know in advance what is on offer.

We will be re-introducing special menu days, plus parent/ carer/grandparent lunches so keep your eye out for the invitation.

Lastly I was asked to reduce the minimum amount payable on the gateway. The school pays a fixed charge for each transaction. By setting the minimum at this level, we have been able to avoid passing the charges onto you. I hope that makes sense. If you pay more than you need for the week, we carry forward the amount to the following week.

I hope I have answered all of your queries but please feel free to contact me via the school office or email address and I will be happy to discuss further.

Thank you very much for your continued support.

Lorraine Knight
Federation Business Manager

Thursday 7th May, 2020

Highlights From Home Y5&6 – Thursday 7th May 2020

Tomorrow, there won’t be a daily timetable sent out to you due to the celebrations for VE Day, however, here’s a quiz that you may enjoy doing at some point.
Friday’s Quiz


There’s also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVjCiISvMog&t=399s&fbclid=IwAR04hcl0RPkKPtWj85RWh5bbPgo-ry1h7H4j3Hs6s0z14QSdxz7QiWiyqJI
if you want to keep busy with any art work.


Here’s the ‘Highlights From Home’ for today.
Thursday’s 7.5.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

Poetry time today!

Story time!

Cameron’s computing…..

Enjoy the bank holiday!

Thursday 7th May, 2020

Snow Leopards 7th May 2020

Hi Snow Leopards,

Thank you so much for all of your updates last week. You are doing a fabulous job of keeping your children busy in the current circumstances. They are all doing really well and it’s great to see them working, playing and enjoying their time at home.

For those who wish to practise phonics activities and gain more understanding of Read Write Inc (phonics scheme followed throughout reception and ks1)
Please have a look at the activities and e-books below:
https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/read-write-inc-phonics-guide/ (Guide for parents)

Following the link above is the set 1 sounds we have been practising in nursery. There is a ‘Sound Pronunciation Guide Video’ available so you are correctly pronouncing the sounds

Be sure to check out the page ‘Kids’ activities’, there are lots of age appropriate, fun resources for your child to learn through the games and activities available.

Please continue to support the topic of Spring time. Perhaps find some pebbles in your gardens or out on a walk, when you get home see if you can make them into your favourite mini beast and then find out some fact about them!

Most of all enjoy the sunshine and explore outdoors. Maybe you could plant some seeds. What does your seed need in order for it to grow?

I hope you enjoy your week. I can’t wait to hear from you again and hear what you’ve been getting up to!

Again, please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need anything,


Wednesday 6th May, 2020

Working From Home Y5&6 – Thursday 7th May 2020

Good morning. It’s your final day of learning for the week because of tomorrow’s Bank Holiday (VE Day). If anybody wishes to keep busy with their learning tomorrow, Y6s can always do some practical work based on ‘Time’ whilst Y5s could do some practical work on studying ‘Angles’ outdoors.

If you wanted to be more ‘arty’, here’s a link that I’m sure you will enjoy. It’s not what our learning is based on, but it would still produce a fantastic piece of art work.

Nelly, here’s your first maths task of the morning….(calculate the difference please.)

Pos Group Group Score
1. Year 5 & 6 Myddle, Harris Gough Federation, England 884,225,449
2. Year 2 Mrs Styles Phonics, Paget Primary School, England 868,321,570
Here’s your timetable for today’s learning from home.
Daily Timetable Thursday 7.5.20

9:00 Morning exercise (Maybe an early morning bike ride Jack? A bit of yoga Bethany?)

9:25 Spelling Shed

9:45 English (Theseus and the Minotaur – Script to story)
English Lesson 4 Thursday 7.5.20


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths – Thursday 7.5.20
Y5 Maths Activity 1
Y5 Maths Activity 2
Extra Measuring angles worksheet (IF YOU WANT TO or SAVE IT UNTIL FRIDAY)
Y6 Maths – Thursday 7.5.20

1:00 Reading

1:30 Ancient Greek Art or D&T (Food Technology)
Art Lesson 3
D&T Lesson 3

Have a good day!


Wednesday 6th May, 2020

Highlights From Home Y5&6 – Wednesday 6th May 2020

Here’s the highlights from home today.
Wednesday’s 6.5.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

And the nominations for the Ancient Greek acting awards are are………….



Theseus and King Aegeus 3

Have you trying to achieve your Bikeability qualifications?


Storytime – Day 10

Enjoy the sunny evening.

Tuesday 5th May, 2020

Working From Home Y5&6 – Wednesday 6th May 2020

I hope you enjoyed watching the videos that were uploaded yesterday. Did you enjoy playing the characters Theseus and the Minotaur yesterday? There will be another opportunity for role play today – but only after you’ve created the script yourself. A bike may come in useful today too if you have one! Read today’s timetable and you will find out why.

Daily Timetable Wednesday 6.5.20

9:00 Morning exercise

9:25 Spelling Shed – Go on Nelly, how far clear now are Y5&6 from the class in 2nd place?

World Groups League

Pos Group Group Score
1. Year 5 & 6 Myddle, Harris Gough Federation, England 913,320,188
2. 1D, Gems Wellington International School, United Arab Emirates 835,017,600
9:45 English
English Lesson 3 Wednesday 6.5.20


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths – Wednesday 6.5.20
Y5 Maths Activity – Wednesday 6.5.20
Extra Y5 Calculate angles around a point (EXTENSION – ONLY IF YOU WANT TO)
Y6 Maths – Wednesday 6.5.20
Y6 Maths Time Problems – Wednesday – Toby, Zac, Dante and Chloe
Y6 Maths Time Problems – Wednesday – Henry, Harvey, Megan, Bethany and Lily
Y6 Maths Time Problems – Wednesday – Jack, Reuben, Ruby, Cassie, Malachai and Elizabeth

1:00 Own reading

1:20 Computing
Computing Lesson 3


2:00 PE / Fitness (Bikeability) – So, because we are unfortunately not able to have the bikeability training for the Y6s this year due to Covid 19, here’s a chance for you to train yourselves – which the Y5s can experience also.
PE and Fitness – Bikeability Training


Have a good day everybody!

Tuesday 5th May, 2020

Rhino Daily Challenge – Writing/Design

Watch the animation below….

It’s a great little animation and fun to watch, but there are a number of tasks that you can complete related to it.

Challenge: How many of these can you complete today and during this week at home?

  • Write a story – What happens next?
  • Write a diary entry from the point of view of the alien, you can even make up your own name for him.
  • Write a letter of complaint to Levitation International
  • Write a set of instructions for how to use a Hoverbike properly
  • Create an information booklet for a Hoverbike. What is good about? How does it work? Why does it need to hover?
  • Design an advert for a Hoverbike. Why should you buy one?
  • Design and label your own futuristic vehicle (This could be on paper or powerpoint)

Can you think of another activity inspired by this video. Maybe we can challenge others to do the same?