
Thursday 21st May, 2020

Highlights From Home Y5&6 – Thursday 21st May 2020

Hi everyone, well it’s been quiet back in school today with some of the children from Myddle and Baschurch schools. They practise their times tables, spellings and focused on any activities that their teachers had organised for them, before doing some art work this afternoon.

It looks like you’ve all been busy at home too with some excellent continuations of your Greek myths (tomorrow will be the final day of your story!)  The Y6s investigated their perimeter problem well this morning whilst the Y5s continued to study the properties of 3D shapes. Well done to those who took part and were successful in their Kahoot maths quiz this morning.

Amy has made a fantastic start to her ‘Parthenon’ project in D&T, which you will see on this ‘Highlights From Home’ page.
Thursday’s 21.5.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

If anybody else is interested in taking part in Friday/Saturday’s family fun quiz then let me know as soon as possible. So far we’ve got Heidi, Zoe, Ruby, Henry, Elizabeth, Cassie, Rhys, Amy, Bethany, Isla, Megan and Jack taking part with the children whose names are in bold letters the ones that I’ve received a question about.

Have a good evening.

Thursday 21st May, 2020

Rhino Daily Challenge – Maths

Today there are two challenge to solve involving concepts of time. Try and complete at least one, or why try and solve both. Make sure you read what to do carefully.

Challenge 1:

How Many Times?

On a digital 24 hour clock, at certain times, all the digits are consecutive (in counting order). You can count forwards or backwards.

For example: 1:23 

How many times like this are there between midnight and 7:00?
How many are there between 7:00 and midday?
How many are there between midday and midnight?

Top Tip: Remember to try and work systematically in order to be sure you have found all possible answers…
Challenge 2:

Two Clocks

Sam and Julie are friends. Both of them have rather odd clocks at home.
In Sam’s bedroom there is an old alarm clock which his Dad had thrown out because it had lost its minute hand. Although it has only its small hand, Sam can still tell the time using it. He can tell the hour, such as midday. He can tell when it is time to get up, time to go to school and time to turn his light out at night.

four clock faces with only hour hands

Which clock is showing it is midday?
At what time does Sam get up?
At what time does Sam go to school?
At what time is Sam supposed to turn out his light?

In Julie’s hall there is a very old clock which lost its hour hand a long time ago.

grandfather clock with minute hand at 25 past

School finishes at half past three and it takes Julie at least half an hour to get home. Sometimes she goes to the shop on the way, and sometimes she leaves school a bit later. When she first gets home Julie always looks at the clock in the hall to see what time it is.
One week these were the times she saw:

clocks with just minute hands
On which day was it raining so she hurried straight home?
On which day did she go to the shop to buy some sweets on the way home?
On which day did she stay at school to practise in the band?
On which day did she play with Sam for about half an hour before setting off for home?
On which day did her teacher keep the class in for five minutes?
Wednesday 20th May, 2020

Working From Home Y5&6 – Thursday 21st May 2020

Good morning Y5&6. As I’m at school all of today, even though I shall have a laptop with me, I may not be able to respond to you as soon as usual, but if you need anything, I will get back to you as soon I can.

Here’s Thursday’s timetable:-
Thursday’s 21.5.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

9:00 Morning exercise & Spelling Shed

9:20 English
English through History – Thursday 21st May – Lesson 4


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Thursday 21.5.20
Y5 Maths Activity Thursday 21.5.20
Y6 Maths Thursday 21.5.20 Investigations – Perimeter of rectilinear shapes
Y6 Investigating perimeter


1:00 Computing (Typing practise)


1:20 D&T
D&T – Thursday 21.5.20 – Lesson 5

Have a good day!

Wednesday 20th May, 2020

Y5&6 Working From Home – Thursday 21st May 2020

Good evening Y5&6 What a glorious day! I hope that you spent as much time as possible this afternoon outdoors enjoying the wonderful weather. More warm weather tomorrow is forecast but not quite as hot as today. Here’s tomorrow’s forecast….
Here’s also today’s edition of Newsround if you would like to watch it….

Tomorrow, I shall be at Myddle all day so I won’t be able to respond to you as quickly as usual. If any of you require any new books from school, eg, maths books, please let me know and I shall have them ready for you in the reception area of school for you to pick up. I shall put tomorrow’s learning from home on the school website later tonight and send you any links that you may need on Class Dojo too, just in case you can’t access them from the powerpoint provided. Hopefully you won’t have any other problems through.

Well done on your hard work for today. We’ve had some excellent Greek myth story starts, fantastic thinking in maths and some real creativity with the art work that a few of you have produced. Here’s today’s ‘Highlights From Home’ for you to enjoy.
Wednesday’s 20.5.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

Have an enjoyable evening in the ?.

Wednesday 20th May, 2020

Ten things found in the pocket of…

Thank you to all those of you that have so far completed yesterday’s daily challenge. Your ideas have been really creative and you have written some excellent poems in line with the original structure. Well done.

Click on the below to view some great examples:

10 things found in the pocket of….

Wednesday 20th May, 2020

Working From Home Y5&6 – Wednesday 20th May 2020

Good morning Y5&6.

Here’s your timetable for today:-
Daily Timetable Wednesday 20.5.20

9:00 Morning exercise & Spelling Shed

9:20 English
English through History – Wednesday 20th May – Lesson 3


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Wednesday 20.5.20
Y6 Maths Wednesday 20.5.20 Investigations – order sequences
Y6 Investigations workings out -Order-of-Operations


1:00 Reading

1:20 Art
Art Wednesday 20.5.20 Lesson 5


2:20 PE

Have a good day.

Tuesday 19th May, 2020

Highlights From Home Y5&6 – Tuesday 19th May 2020

What a lovely afternoon it’s been Y5&6 and it’s been great to see that many of you have spent time in the outdoors after working so hard this morning. Because the weather is going to be lovely for the rest of the week, make the most of it after focusing hard in the morning.

Here’s tomorrow’s weather forecast.
If you’ve not seen today’s Newsround, here it is.


Here’s the Highlights From Home page today…..
Tuesday’s 19.5.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

We’ve not had some story time for a while so we have a volunteer.

Have a good evening.


Monday 18th May, 2020

Working From Home Y5&6 – Tuesday 19th May 2020

Good morning Y5&6.

Here’s your timetable for today. For those of you who have been struggling to access any links (eg, Kahoot maths quiz / videos to support your learning) I shall send these also on Class Dojo just in case.

Daily Timetable Tuesday 19.5.20

9:00 Morning exercises and Spelling Shed

9:20 English (planning an ancient Greek myth)
English through History – Tuesday 19th May Lesson 2
Greek Myth Story Dice
Ancient Greek Myth storyboard


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Tuesday 19.5.20
Y6 Maths Tuesday 19.5.20
Y6 Maths Tuesday – Investigating Towers of numbers 19.5.20


1:00 Science
Science Lesson 5 – Tuesday 19th May – Humans – The Circulatory System
Activity Sheet 1 Parts of the Circulatory System
Activity Sheet 2 Comparing Circulatory Systems

Have a good day. Looking forward to hearing from you all.

Monday 18th May, 2020

Highlights from Home Y5&6 – Monday 18th May 2020

Good evening Y5&6,

It’s been a busy day for many of you today and it was good to see everything that you’ve produced, both with your school work and other activities. Well done to those of you who have now reached these Class Dojo landmarks…..

Cassie, Elizabeth, Heidi, Holly H, Isla, Jacob, Lily, Rhys and Toby
Sophie, Ruby, Megan, Lucy, Katie, Isobel, Chloe and Dante
Amy, Jack, Harvey and Zoe
Reuben, Henry and Bethany


Here’s the weather forecast for tomorrow – ? ?
If you missed Newsround today, you may want to catch up with it now.


Here’s the highlights from home today. (Y6s – check out your ‘prime number’ BINGO tickets. How many of the prime numbers did you match with the winning ticket?)

Monday’s 18.5.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

How to make a cheese toastie (Who’s in the kitchen today?)

Have a good evening!

Monday 18th May, 2020

Rhino Daily Challenge – Writing

Read the short poem below:

Ten Things Found in a Wizard’s Pocket

A dark night.
Some words that nobody could ever spell.
A glass of water full to the top.
A large elephant.
A vest made from spider’s webs.
A handkerchief the size of a car park.
A bill from the wand shop.
A bucket full of stars and planets, to mix with the
dark night.
A bag of magic mints you can suck for ever.
A snoring rabbit.

By Ian McMillan


What 10 things would you find in the pocket of who?

What would be in the pockets of a teacher? a footballer? a pop star? a scientist? a film/book character?

Choose someone and decide what 10 things would be found in their pocket. Try and use the structure of the original poem to help. The poet uses some short lines but also uses some longer more detailed lines. He also links some of the lines together where he links the dark night with the bucket full of stars. Can you make links in your poem?

I really look forward to reading what you come up with and it would be great to share some of your work on the school website. Send your work in via dojo and will put a presentation together showcasing your work.

Good luck