Road Works – Road Closure

If parents are coming to collect and travelling from the Shrewsbury area, there may still be a road closure in place, signs just past the Bridgewater Arms. Access to Myddle is still available via Lower Road.

Please allow extra time to your journey.


Unfortunately we are having to cancel Art Club tonight (30th November). Please accept our sincerest apologises.

Mrs Beauchamp will attempt to rearrange this session.


Private Tutors

We have been asked by Shropshire Council to remind parents that IF tutors are hired for tuition session outside of school hours, then it is the parents, personal responsibility, to independently check the tutors qualifications and complete the identification/DBS checks.



Children in Need 2023

We raised an amazing £242.30 for Children in Need this year, which is absolutely fantastic. The children looked amazing!!

Special thanks to Sarah and Ben for their efforts with the cake sale at the end of the day.

We also raised £20 from our “Odd Socks Day” which was raising funds for another fantastic charity “Anti-Bullying Alliance”!

You are all amazing 🙂

**** Headlice****

It has come to our attention that we have some unwelcome visitors in school again. We would be grateful for your support in eradicating the lice.

Please can we ask that you check your child’s hair tonight and treat anything you find.  Please can we also ask that all hair is tied up in a pony tail whilst your child is in school.

For more information, please follow this link:

Pastures new for Mrs Smith!

We are really sad to have to let you know that Rachel Smith, our wonderful administrator, has got a new job!! As you all know, she is absolutely fantastic in the office and throughout the whole school , which is why she has been snapped up as an Office Manager in a much larger school.  Rachel will be leaving us at the end of this term after four years with us here at Myddle. Rachel has gone over and above during her time here, always helping with extra-curricular events, as well as managing a busy school office and keeping all of us staff on track. She offers endless support and advice to many of you and your children and will leave a big hole in our school community. However, I know that as well as feeling sad, you will want to join us to wish her all the best with her new job.

Panto Payments

Anyone who missed the deadline for the Panto Payment for Jack in the Beanstalk at Theatre Severn.

It is now back on School Gateway.

Any questions please give Mrs Smith a ring on 01939 290834


Friday 24th November – Village Hall Car Park

Please can parents avoid the village hall car park on Friday at the end of the day.

The Village Hall have a function taking place and will need the parking spaces.