Theatre Severn Pantomime

We would like to inform parents that we will be attending the Theatre Severn Pantomime again this year – oh yes we are! Further information to follow.

Harvest Festival Reminder

Our Harvest Festival will be taking place at St Peter’s Church, Myddle on Thursday 10th October at 9.30am.  Everyone is welcome to attend. 

This harvest season, we will be collecting donations for the local food bank. Children are welcome to bring in dry food supplies anytime until Friday 11th October.

Thank you.

Parents Evening Clarification

We would like to confirm that Parents Evening is an in-person event.  Unfortunately, the email confirmations sent out today are indicating it is a telephone appointment, this is not the case!

Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.

Young Minds Hello Yellow 2024 – 11/10/24

Just a reminder that we will be joining thousands of schools across the UK and taking part in Hello Yellow in support of YoungMinds on Friday 11th October (for World Mental Health Day) where we’ll be holding a non-school uniform day and asking everyone to wear something yellow for a donation of £1.

To make a donation, please do so via the following link –

In addition to this, Mrs Williams has some very bright yellow dungarees which she would like to give children the opportunity to draw on! For an extra 50p donation, children can draw a picture or write a word that makes them feel happy, relaxed, content or safe on the dungarees. Mrs Williams will wear the dungarees on Friday 11th October and show off their amazing art work! If your child needs a new design sheet, please contact the school office.

Thank you!

Small Carboard Box Appeal

Mrs Harris would be very grateful for donations of small size cardboard boxes for our D&T lessons.  Cardboard washing tablet or small shoe boxes are the ideal size.

Thank you.

Autumn Term Parents Evening

The booking system for our Autumn Term Parents Evenings is now live. 

Rhino & Jaguar Class appointments will be Tuesday 15th & Thursday 17th October.

Reception Class appointments will be Tuesday 15th October.

Tiger Class appointments will be Wednesday 16th & Thursday 17th October.

To book an appointment, you will need to visit the “Parents’ Area” on our school website and choose the appropriate class.  Once you have booked your appointment, you should receive a confirmation email.  All appointments will be made on a ‘first come first served’ basis.

These meetings are very important as the teachers will discuss how your child is progressing and how we can work together to support them further. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.

We look forward to seeing you!

Secondary Application deadline – 31 October 2024

The closing date for secondary applications is 31 October 2024 which falls in the half-term holidays. If you have not already done so, we encourage you to submit an application as soon as possible but before the deadline date. This will ensure that if you encounter any problems, you can be supported/helped and to submit your application on time. There is no grace period for late applications. The link for the website is – Transferring to secondary school | Shropshire Council

The School Admissions Team strongly encourage parents to name three preferences, particularly if you reside in the Shrewsbury area.  Please see the Parents’ Guide to Education in Shropshire Booklet for further information.  The link to the document is Parents’ guide to education | Shropshire Council

If you have already made an application and wish to add additional preferences please contact

Harvest Festival 2024

Our Harvest Festival will be taking place at St Peter’s Church, Myddle on Thursday 10th October at 9.30am.  Everyone is welcome to attend. 

This harvest season, we will be collecting donations for the local food bank. Children are welcome to bring in dry food supplies anytime until Friday 11th October.

Thank you.

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